003 » superbia

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[ bullying tw, graphic death scene. read at your own discretion.]

  ❝ — PRIDE, superbia or hubris , is considered, on almost every list, the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins: the source of the others. It is identified as believing that one is essentially better than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and excessive admiration of the personal self.

          "Hey, oppa, can I borrow your laptop for the week?"


"Why not?"

"It got stolen a couple weeks ago."

Seokjin exited the classroom with the girl, Byun Inhyung, trailing behind him. He was still quite upset about his father's failure to detect the thieves in their home and unsettled after having the thief in his bedroom, even more so about his missing computer and tablets.

Then again, he didn't pay for them himself, as was the case with his Omega watch. And his Sperry's. And pretty much all of his clothes and things.

He didn't have to work for anything he received. From his impeccable grade point average to the BMW parked in the school lot, Seokjin simply treated everything as a right rather than the privileges they truly were.

He had flown first class when he was merely a toddler while men and women in their old age could never even think of doing such. He had grown to despise lobster because he ate it so often, yet there were others who only dreamed of eating lobster regularly. Everything that was on his Christmas wishlist he received, even if it cost his parents as much as the monthly mortgage of some.

For Kim Seokjin was a spoiled brat with more silver spoons than one in his mouth, and he wanted the world to know.

So he often threw parties at his lavish home in the Meolla Villa community, often gave his name brand things to others not out of the kindness of his heart but to show that he had money to blow — to show that he had it like that. Or so he liked to tell himself that it wasn't an act of charity. He had a snobby rich kid image to maintain, and if anyone were to find out that he liked to give, they'd ruin him.

The girl behind him pouted before continuing, "Well then can I borrow—"

"Those were stolen too." He predicted, rolling his eyes, "But it's okay, I think my parents are planning to replace them all for graduation."

"Graduation is two months away! Who else is gonna lend me money?" She trotted close behind him as they traversed the halls. Her eyes widened with a sincere panic that made her small, round face all the more youthful and girly. He took it for a joke, or at least, denied that it wasn't one.

He chuckled, "Is that all I am to you?"

"No," Inhyung rebutted all too quickly, "You're also my best friend and I think you're pretty cool."

That consoled him momentarily, but judging by the brief silence, he could tell that she was unhappy because of him. Seokjin was well aware that it would take more than another trip to Starbucks — on him of course — to cheer her up. She wanted his laptop and he couldn't give it to her, which left him unsettled.

He felt like she hated him. He didn't believe the whole thing about them being "best friends" either, because often times he felt like their friendship was only one sided and that she only mooched off of him. Then again, she did...

She did...

What did she do for him?

He couldn't think of anything she'd given to him or bought for him or helped him with recently. Which was strange, because she made him happy, so he expected to be able to name something off the bat. This was exactly why he hated thinking. This is exactly why he loved bragging. It took his mind off of Inhyung and all his other — believe it or not — problems.

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