Chapter 2

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1 week later

"Seth stop" I heard a girl's voice say with giggles not far from me. I was sitting on the sand at the beach, I stood up and started walking to my right where there were a group of tall rocks. I couldn't stop, my body wouldn't let me. I looked over one of the rocks and saw 2 people giggling and  hugging each other. I looked closer and it felt like my world stopped, I could feel my heart explode and shatter into a billion little pieces. It was Seth and Stacey, Stacey leaned in and crushed her lips to Seth's. I couldn't breathe, speak, move, I was frozen. My mind finally agreed with my body to run away. I ran as far as my legs could take me. I ran deep into the woods and tripped over a root. I lay there an felt the tears fall freely. How could they do this? How could Stacey do this? Why would Stacey do this? She knew how much I loved him. I curled up into a ball and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes, I sat up. I remembered my dream, Stacey was kissing Seth, my Seth. Why would she do that? I felt something warm run down my face, I touched my cheek and felt liquid, I was crying. More tears escaped my eyes. 

How could she do that me? How could Seth do that? I put my face into my hands and let the tears fall. All of a sudden I heard my door open, I quickly wiped away my tears "Wake u..."' I heard someones voice say "Chelsea whats wrong?" I looked up and saw him, the person who broke my heart. Seth.

The tears came back and slid down my face, I felt his strong warm arms wrap around me "Chelsea why are you cry.." I cut him off "Get away from me" I yelled, he looked shocked "Get out now" I hissed. "Chelsea" I looked at him and glared "Get out" He obeyed me and walked out the door. I got up and closed the door and locked it. I walked to my vanity and looked into the mirror, I saw my tear stained face. 

"Chelsea, honey are you okay?" I heard Emily's sweet voice ask on the other side of the door, "Chelsea what's wrong?" I heard Sam ask. I turned around and lay on my bed and cried into my pillow, ignoring the calls I got from everyone, each member of the pack asked to come in and every time I ignored them. 

Then I heard Brady's caring voice "Chelsea can you let me in, it's Brady" I stood up and walked to the door, I opened it, everyone was behind him, I grabbed Brady's wrist and pulled him in and closed the door on everyone else. I sat on my bed an he sat down next to me. "Chelsea what's wrong, everyone's worried about you" he said. I looked at him with a tear stained face, he wrapped his arms around me, I buried my face into his shoulder and let more tears fall. I just needed someone to hold me.

We pulled apart and I smiled, Brady was always there for me and that's what made him a good friend, but I could never be a good friend, I can't feel the same way about him like he feels about me. He was 14 I was 15, and to me thats a huge age difference.

I looked into his brown eyes and smiled, he looked into mine, he started to lean in.

He pressed his soft lips to mine, I quickly pulled away, he looked at me and then looked down, I could tell he was embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry" He whispered, I looked at him "No it's not your fault I leaned in to" I said. There was an awkward silence, he was gonna get up and leave "Thanks for my first kiss" he whispered, I stood up and grabbed his wrist, "Listen Brady, I don't the feel the same way you do, but if you want I can give you your second kiss" He smiled at me.

He put his hands on my waist, the boy was younger but still taller than me. I stood on my tiptoes and put my arms around his neck and crushed my lips to his, our lips moved in sync, I didn't feel anything special, but it was still good. We stayed like that for about a minute when I pulled apart. He was grinning form ear to ear, I smiled and sat on my bed 'So why were you crying?" He asked, I looked at him and smiled. I forgot about Seth for that moment.

It doesn't matter what happened in my dream, it was just a dream. I know Stacey would never do that and neither would Seth. I was making a big deal out of nothing. "Nothing I'm over it now" I responded. He smiled "Come on I'm hungry and today is cinnamon rolls Sunday" I pulled him and we walked to the door.

I put on a smile and walked into the kitchen with Brady. Everyone stopped eating and looked at me, I smiled "I'm fine" I said, they looked relieved and kept eating, besides Seth he looked at Brady with pure hatred. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Brady's cheek "Thanks for everything" I whispered into his ear, he grinned, I giggled. 

I grabbed a cinnamon roll and ate it slowly. I finished it and walked into my room, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and put on light blue ripped skinny jeans a white tank top and a pink hoodie over it. I blow dried my hair and decided to curl it, I did my makeup and put on my pink converse and wolf necklace. Just 'cause I'm mad at him doesn't  mean I wont wear his necklace.

I looked at my phone and had a missed call from Mason, it's been a week and he won't really get the hint that I don't like him...anymore, ya he's sweet and cute but not my type. I walked downstairs and walked out the door. I started walking to the little store by the beach that Embry's mom worked at. On the way there I saw Jake pass me on his motorcycle, probably to go get Bella, that boy never knows when to quit, he doesn't get that she loves the sexy haired vampire, I mean he has good hair. But Jacob is ripped and hot, so if I where Bella I'd pick Jacob, he's abbtastic. I giggled to myself.

I walked into the store and bought a chocolate bar, I went to the counter to pay. "Hi Ms.Call" I greeted her with a smile 'Hello Chelsea, how are you?" She asked cheerfully "I'm good and you" I asked "Great" She answered. I took my candy bar and walked out the door. I ate it and walked back to the house.

I entered and saw Sam glaring at Brady "HOW COULD YOU BRADY" He yelled. I turned to Jared and was about to say something when Sam looked at me 'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KISSED BRADY" He yelled at me, I looked at Brady and glared "YOU TOLD HIM" I yelled accusingly at him. "No Seth was listening to us and he heard us" He said.

I looked at Seth and glared, he looked down "Chelsea why did you kiss him?" Sam asked "Why do you care? I can kiss a guy if I want" I responded back. He glared at me, "Your right" He whispered, I smiled at him, I won again!

Sam: 31 Chelsea: 173

"Okay good" I said. There was silence, then Collin spoke, "Dude Niiiccceee, you got a kiss from her" He said, He slapped Brady's back. Brady grinned, I glared at them. 

I walked upstairs to my room and lay on my bed, I heard my door open, I sat up expecting Brady but it was Seth.

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