Chapter 19

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Okay so I copied a part from Breaking Dawn, but made it shorter. It's like in the first chapter where Bella calls Seth.


Chelsea'a P.O.V

"No please I don't want it!!" I pleaded. "You have to" Sam replied. "Bu-But I don't want the tribe tattoo" I cried. "Suck it up" He responded. I sighed in defeat and closed my eyes.

After about 10 minutes I opened my eyes. Billy was all done. I looked in the mirror. It looked pretty cool, but kind of weird. Mine was smaller than everyone else's because unlike everyone else in the pack. I didn't grow muscles. Weird I know.

"Thanks Billy" I said. He gave me a warm gentle smile "Welcome Chelsea" I smiled and walked out the door shouting at Sam that I would be at my shift. Leah taught me how to patrol and what to do with a vampire.

I've become closer to her in the past week, she's actually nice if you really got to know her. 

So far my time in the pack has been good besides the times I hear Seth's thoughts. He tries to not think about me or the break up. And I try not to think of him. 

It kills me inside to know I hurt him and I truly regret, but I have no hope in us getting back together. To make it worse I imprinted on him.

I sighed and sat on a log at the beach. I could feel the waves crashing and the seagulls flying. I opened my eyes to Gabe standing 5 feet away from me. "Hey" he smiled. i smiled back. "Hey" I responded. I know I shouldn't be talking to him because he's sort of the reason Seth and I broke up but I can't be mean.

"You have a tattoo?" He looked at my arm in shock. I giggled. "Ya, Quileute tradition" I responded. "Right..Well it looks nice" He lied. I smiled. "Ya".

"So...I was wondering if..." 

"Gabe I will not give you a chance" I stopped him before he could say anything else. He sighed "Why not?" He whined like a baby, what a turn off.

"Because I-I can't" I answered. "Oh come on just 'cause your dating Set.."

"Were not dating anymore" I blurted out. He looked at me with a I'm so sorry yet I'm so happy look. "Oh sorry" He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and stood up. 

"Wait were are you going?" He asked. "I have to go" I lied and walked away.

Seth's P.O.V

Why? Why? Why? Why did it have to end like this? I messed up everything.

She was my life and now she's gone. It's all over. Tears slid down my face.

I can't live without her.

God I'm so stupid! I know Chelsea would never cheat on me and what did I do? I accused her of it.

I could here the phone ringing downstairs. No one was home besides me. I walked down the stairs and picked up the phone. 

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey, Seth it's Bella" Bella constantly called asking about Jake. I put on my happy voice.

"Oh, hiya Bella! How are you?" I asked

"Fine" She responded. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Calling for an update?" I asked.

"Your psychic" She responded.

"Not hardly. I'm no Alice. Your just predictable" I joked.

"I know I am" She responded.

"How is he?' She asked. I sighed.

"Same as ever. He won't talk though we know he hears us. He's just trying not to think human, you know, just going with his instincts" I answered.

I heard her sigh. "Okay well bye" She said. "bye" I responded. 

I hung up the phone and closed my eyes. Why Chelsea? Why?

Chelsea's P.O.V

I opened the door to the house ad saw...

"STACEY!" I yelled in joy. She giggled and tackled me. "Oh my god your so hot" She backed away from my body. I giggled. "Ya I know" I smiled. I hope she wouldn't ask what was going on.

We walked upstairs to my room. She sat down and smiled. "So what's up?" I asked her. "Oh nothin' just bored" She responded. "Me too" I agreed. "So how are you and Seth?' She asked. I felt a sharp pain go through me. "We broke up" I whispered. her smile faded away.

"What?" She gasped. "You guys were perfect for each other" She said. I sighed. "I guess were not" I responded. "Oh Chels. I'm so sorry" She put her arms around me. I cried into her shoulders.

"I'm so stupid. I'm the one who broke up with him" I muttered. "Why?" She asked. "Because he can't trust me" I replied. "God that boys stupid" She muttered under her breath. I let a giggle slip out.

"Anyways what's up with you?" I asked as I wiped away my tears. "Nothing much I just met a boy" She said happily. I smiled. "Really? Tell me all about him?" I asked. "Well he's tall, muscular and he has black hair with brown eyes" She said happily. I giggled.

"What's his name?" I asked. "His name is..." 

"What is it?" I asked. "Embry" She giggled.

My smile faded and formed into a disgusted look. "Embry?" I whispered. She had a huge grin on her face. 'Yup Embry" She giggled again.

"Embry Call?" I asked. "Yes Embry Call" She replied.

I put on a smile. "Wow congratulations" I smiled. I actually was happy for her.  "So...You wanna go to the beach?" I asked her. She smiled. "Let's go" I giggled and grabbed her arm and walked downstairs. We were almost out the door when Embry blocked it. He smiled at Stacey. Stacey smiled back.

"Awkward" I mumbled.

They stared into each other's eyes passionately. 

I turned away and walked into the kitchen. I ran into something or someone. i looked up and met his eyes. His beautiful dark brown eyes. I backed away and walked past him.

My heart ached. It was slowly crushing.

I'm so sorry Seth...


Aww.. Embry finally got some lovin' <3

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