Chapter 4

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I was sitting on the couch, I just came back from school, I was waiting for the pack to come back from they're training with the Cullen's. I know everything about the Cullen's, yet I haven't met one. 

I was dying of boredom. I walked out the door and headed to the cliffs, I walked through the forest in silence until I reached the cliffs. I sat on the edge, my feet dangling over the water.

I felt like jumping, I got up and looked over the edge, I was at the highest point, I usually jump from lower down, but I wanted to feel a rush. I was about to jump when I heard someone shout behind me. 

"DON'T JUMP" I turned around and saw a boy about my age "What" I said, "Don't jump, whatever is going on in your life will get better, trust me" He said back. 

He thought I was gonna commit suicide, I started laughing, he looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm not gonna kill myself, I just wanted to do it for fun" I said in between giggles. "Oh" He looked embarrassed, "Sorry" He said. I stopped laughing and smiled at him, this boy doesn't even know me and he cares. "

"It's okay, thanks for caring though" He smiled, he had perfect straight white teeth, with light tan skin and blue eyes with light brown hair. I admit he was cute. We stood in silince smiling, "I'm Calvin" He said, "Chelsea" I said, he extended his hand, I shook it and smiled. 

"So you cliff dive" He asked, I smiled "Ya, do you?" I asked. "No, heights aren't really my thing" He answered, I giggled. This guy seemed sweet and caring, and he didn't automatically go into flirting mode, like all the other guys.

"Do you lived here in La Push" he asked, "Ya down the beach, do you" I asked. "Ya I do" He answered "Really I've never seen you around" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I've seen you, I'm in two of your classes" My face got red, I've never noticed him, wow fail. "Oh I've never noticed you before" I responded "Ya we sit far apart".

"Wow I can't believe I've never noticed you before" I said, he chuckled "Ya I've noticed you since the first day of school, I didn't know your name, but I though you were pretty" He responded. I felt my cheeks get warm. "Aww.. Thanks" I said back. He smiled.

"I never went up to you because, because you were always with Seth and I thought you were dating". I giggled, "No were not dating, just friends" I said, even though I wanna be more than friends.

He smiled, I took my phone out and looked at the time, the pack was back from training now. "I should get going" I said "Oh I kind of wanted to talk to you more" He said, his face got red. I looked at him and smiled, Sam wouldn't mind if I stayed a little longer. "Actually, my family can wait" I said, he grinned from ear to ear.

The rest of the afternoon I spent talking to Calvin, I learned alot about him. 

He was sweet and kept giving me compliments, he was was into photogrophy, and not sports like all the other guys that want to get with me. He kept the flirting low, I was really starting to like Calvin, I felt different with him, almost like special. 

I looked at the time 9:53 Crap! I stood up "I have to go" I said, he looked at the time "I should get going to, mind if I walk you" He asked. "Not at all" I responded. We walked to my house and stopped at the door.

"Well I had fun" I said, he smiled, "Me to" He started to lean in, so did I, I wanted to kiss him, we were about an inch apart when, someone opened the door. We both turned and saw Sam there looking angry, I pulled apart "I'll see you tomorrow" I said, "See you" He said, we hugged and he walked away. 

I entered the house and turned to face Sam, the pack was in the living room. "Sam I'm sorry" I said, he looked at me and sighed, "It's okay, just next time call" He said, I smiled, "I promise". I started walking upstairs "Who was that boy?" I heard Sam ask, I turned around "Just a boy" I responded and walked up stairs.

I walked into my room and closed the door behind me, I leaned against it and closed my eyes. I stood there for a couple minutes just thinking of Calvin, already he seemed perfect. I stood up and undressed, I put on my pj's. I lay in bed and closed my eyes, I was about to fall asleep when I heard my door softly open, and someone lay next to me. 

I opened my eyes and saw Seth staring me, I smiled "What are you doing here?" I whispered. "I don't know" I giggled. "Who was that guy?" He asked. I smiled "The perfect guy" I whispered and turned my back to him and closed my eyes.

Seth's P.O.V

"Who was that guy?" I asked her. She smiled her beautiful smile, that could light up your day, that lighted up my life. 

"The perfect guy" She whispered, and turned her back to me. I felt my heart stop beating. The perfect guy, who was that guy? What was so perfect about him? Did she like him more than me? No! 

I love Chelsea more than my own life, I imprinted on her. I lay there next to her next to my life. I got up and walked to her door, I opened and turned back once more to look at her beautiful angel face and closed the door. I walked downstairs pass the pack. i walked out the door and headed to the beach. I sat down on the sand and stared at the moon.


This is my second Seth Clearwater story my other one is called I Promise. Thanks for reading!! Comment and vote for more :)

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