Moving On - Part 2

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So this is it my fellow friends.

The final chapter to this story I have worked so hard on :)

It's not perfect but I hope you enjoy!

I normally ask for votes and comments, but this time you don't have to, because this is just for your enjoyment!

I swear I'm almost tearing up here.


I stared wide eyed, my mouth slightly open from the shock. When I heard he was with someone else I expected it to be someone I didn't know. 

But Katie?

"Chelsea" Stacey nudged me, "Come on" she stepped out of the car and ran into Embry's arm. I took a deep breath, I could see everyone starring at me, waiting for me to get out of the car. I opened the car door and stepped out.

The warm summer air slightly blowing against my face.

I kept my head low as I walked towards the crowd of people I knew as my family. "Chelsea" I heard Emily squeal, I felt her wrap her arms around my shoulder. I slightly smiled, taking in her scent, one that I missed so much. 

"Hi." I bluntly whispered back. She pulled away and looked at me, her smile suddenly dropped. "Sweetie what's wrong?" I didn't respond, I just looked past her shoulder. Into the eyes of my imprint. His arm around her. 

He stared back, his eyes gazing into mine.

That's when it hit me.

What was I thinking coming back here? I can't believe I actually thought I would come back and think that everything was just gonna be fine. 

Sure the other times I was okay, but that was because there was no Seth to see. No heart to be broken, or tears to stream down my face.

And now that he's here, with her. I can feel my heart start to shatter. 

I looked into Emily's warm brown eyes. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I have to go" I turned around and walked back to the cab. The driver stood taking our bags out. "Leave those two in" I pointed to mine. He nodded and took out Stacey's.

I could hear Stacey's footsteps coming towards me. 

"Chels what's wrong?" She asked. "I'm going back" I responded. "Drive me back" I said to the cab driver. I brushed off Stacey's attempt to hold me back. "Bye Stac" I stepped into the cab. 

The cab driver started the car and we took down the road, tears threatening to fall.


I walked into our dorm room, setting down my luggage. "Chelsea" I turned around, Conner stood at the door. "What are you doing here?" He asked walking in and kissing my forehead.

"I decided to come back" I mumbled, sitting down on Stacey's bed. "Chelsea what's wrong?" He asked. "I don't want to talk about it" I lay my head on is shoulder. "Chelsea, tell me what's wrong" he whispered in my ear. "It's nothing" I said, a tear falling down my cheek and falling from my chin onto Conner's shoulder.  

He wrapped his arms around my warm body.


"I'm sorry Katie" I said, she looked at me through teary eyes. "It's because of her. Isn't it?" She whispered, wiping away a tear. 

I didn't want to lie, but I didn't want to break her heart even more than it already was. 

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