Chapter 20

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Chelsea's P.O.V

I sat on the sand starring out in the distance. 

Three weeks. Three weeks.

Those three weeks have been the worst ever.

I sighed and closed my eyes. 

Suddenly something hit my arm. My eyes instantly opened. I looked towards my arm and saw a football next to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry about that" A males voice said. I looked up and stared into light brown eyes. I looked away. "It's okay" I replied. I looked back at his face. he had dirty blonde hair. He was good looking, I'll admit that. He had a bright smile.

I couldn't help but smile back. "My names Alex" He said happily and took his hand out. I shook it. "Chelsea" I responed."Nice to meet you Chelsea" He said. I smiled. "Nice to met you Alex" I responded. "Sorry about the football" He kept smiling. "It's fine, I'm not hurt" I looked away and back at him.

"Ya well I'll see you around" He muttered. I smiled. "bye".

He walked away but turned back around and stopped in front of me. "Actually can I see you back here maybe later" He asked shyly. His facial expression said he wanted a yes. I smiled . "Sure meet me at 7" I said and stood up. His eyes sparkled with happiness. "bye" I waved and walked away.

I turned around one more time and winked.

I wasn't gonna let this whole Seth thing ruin my chances of finding another guy.


I sat in front of the mirror. 

It was 6:40 and I had no idea what to do. I already did my makeup and hair. I put it into a side braid. 

I changed my clothes and put on light blue shorts with a white tank top and black flowy one on top of it. 

I put in my earings and applied my lip gloss. I stood up and slipped on my black sandals. I took one last glance in the mirror and smiled. 

Tonight is gonna be my night. Not sexaully...

I opened the door to and turned off the light. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone was sitting down including Stacey. When she smiled her eyes instantly lit up. "Someone looks fancy" She giggled. i gave her a small smile and shrugged. 

Seth wasn't here today. He hardly ever comes over. Only when there's a  pack meeting. 

"Hey Sam i'll be home before my shift"  I smiled and walked out the door. My shift wasn't until 2 in the morning.

The sun was going down making a beautiful sunset. I walked towards the beach and spotted Alex starring out in to the ocean.

I smiled and walked over towards him. He turned around and smiled showing his perfect row of white teeth. I felt my stomach do a flip.



"So Chelsea you wanna go on a walk?" I smiled. "Sure" I replied. He smiled and started walking next to me. There was an awkward silence. "Let's play 20 questions?" He suggested. I giggled. "Sure" I responded.

"Okay mmm what's your favorite color?" He asked. "Sea Green" I answered. "Yours?" I asked. "Green" I smiled.

"Favorite animal?" "Wolf" I mentally laughed. "Yours?" "Dog" He smiled. I chuckled. "Most embarrassing moment?" He asked. "Hmmm...In 8th grade I was giving a speech and burped then while I was walking back to my seat I tripped and fell flat on my face which gave me a bloody nose"

He bursted out in laughter. I laughed with him. "I never knew a girl could burp" He joked. I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Well we can" I answered. He chuckled. "What about yours?" I asked.

"Well last year I was driving and was about to park when I hit someones car, in front of pretty much the entire school" I giggled. "That ain't that bad" I smiled. "To make it worse it turned out to be my crushes car" He finished. I giggled. "Ya..She never talked to me after that" He chuckled.


Alex's hand brushed mine as we were walking. He took the chance to grab my hand and hold it. I didn't pull it away.

I looked up at his face and smiled, he smiled back.

In the past hour I've really got to know him. And he got know me.

We stopped at the edge of the water. "Hey you wanna sit on that rock?" He pointed to a large rock that was close to the edge. I smiled "Sure".

He grabbed my hand as we stopped on stones trying to reach the rock. 

We landed on the rock and sat down starring into the sunset. "Your beautiful" He blurted out. I looked at him and his cheeks were red. I smiled and blushed. "Thanks" I responded. He turned towards me and smiled.

He started to lean in.

His face getting closer every second.

His lips were an inch away from mine.

I smiled and closed the inch.

Our lips glided together.

Butterflies flew around in my stomach.

I closed my eyes and let the kiss take me away.


Well it looks like Chelsea's found new love...
How will Seth feel?
Don't hate me because of this...
Comment and vote :) 

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