Chapter 8

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I inhaled his aroma, he smelled like tree's, the forest and dirt, but good dirt. I stepped back and apologized, I walked past him into the living room. 

There stood Stacey, I could tell by lookng into her eyes that something was wrong.

"Can I talk to you" She whispered, I smiled "Ya" I grabbed her hand pulled her upstairs. I shut the door behind us and sat her on my bed. "What's wrong?" I asked, she gave me a small smiled, and then she let the tears come out, she started bawling and sobbing.

I grabbed her shoulders and let her cry into my shoulder, we stood quiet until she pulled away and wiped her tears away. "Chase broke up with me" She whispered "I'm so sorry Stac" I whispered.

I pulled a piece of her hair behind her ear "You know I just got my heart broken to, twice actually. In one day" She looked at me "What happened?" She asked "Oh it doesn't matter, I'm over it now" I lied, I wasn't over what happened between me and Seth. 

She started bawling again "Shh.. Stacey it's okay, "You know what" I pulled her away "Screw Chase, you and me are gonna go out" I pulled her up and took her hair out of her ponytail "Were gonna find you another guy, way better than what's his face, see I already forgot his name and you should to. Now who broke up with you?" She smiled "I forgot his name" She said proudly, we burst into a fit of giggles.

"Okay now why don't we make your hair straight and add some make up" I said "Okay" She said. 

I straitened her hair and clipped her bangs to the side in a braid. I did her make up, she was wearing a light tan cropped shirt with a brown heart in the middle, with dark blue jeans and brown boots.

I curled my hair and kept on what I was wearing, we walked down stairs into the kitchen, i ignored the looks that Seth gave me, pain and regret.

"Hey Sam Stac and me are going on walk" I said "Okay but be back before dark" I smiled "Okay.

I grabbed Stacey's wrist and walked out the door, we linked arms and headed down to the little store that Embry's mom owned.

We walked in and bought some candy bars, we came out and started walking. We were walking iin silience untill I was pulled down by Stacey. 

"Oww Stac what the hell?" I stood up and looked up I was staring into deep brown eyes.


I turned towards Stacey who was getting up, I helped her up "Jeez Seth watch were your going" She yelled "Sorry" Was all he said, he looked at me and I looked away. "Let's go Stacey" I grabbed her arm and we started running "Why are we running form Seth" She yelled. 

I stopped and looked at her "Because I love him" I whispered "Oh God Chelsea Uley, if you love him then TELL HIM" She responded "I can't, do you know how hard it is" I said.

"Listen Chelsea you love him, he loves you, it's a win win" 

"Wait how do you know he loves me?" I asked

"Because the  way he looks at you, the way he talks about you, he loves you, plus he told me like 2 years ago when we were in 7th grade"

I glared at her "HE TOLD YOU AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!" I yelled, she backed away. "I'm sorry, I promised him I wouldn't tell you and I keep my promises" 

"Ugh Stacey I can't blame you, plus I already know, he told me like 2 days ago. And me being the stupid girl I am, I said nothing back so now he hates me" By now the tears were already falling.

She pulled me into a hug "Oh Chels just tell him how you feel" She pulled me away and smiled "Your right" I agreed.

"Okay now go and tell him, I'm gonna go home" Before I could say anything she started running away. 

I ran to find Seth.

Seth's P.O.V

Of course she hates me, I watched her as she run away with Stacey, the love of my life hates me. God I should of never of tried to kiss her.

I walked away looking at the ground, I didn't care were I was going I just wanted to be alone.

"SETH" I heard someone yell behind me, I ignored who ever it was and kept walking "SETH" I heard more closely this time, it sounded like..


I turned around and saw her running towards me. Her beautiful shiny black hair flowing in the wind, she looked gorgeous while running, she was gorgeous while she did anything. 

I ran up to her and she crashed into my chest, I grabbed her arms and pulled her back.

"Seth I need to tell you something" She said.

"What is it" I asked.

"I love you" 

My eyes widened.

"And I mean more than a friend, I really do love you, i've loved you since forever" 

Tears started to spill from her eyes.

"I love you Seth Clearwater"


Comment and vote to see what happens :) Hehe

The youtube song is so cute, I had to share it haha :)

I can't smile without you <3

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