Chapter 21 - Cello

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Author's note: Thank you all for the amazing support. I hope you continue to enjoy and don't forget to vote!

21 - Cello

I walk through the library-quiet white streets of the Zephyr campus with Risa draped over my shoulder like a towel, her soft furry head rubbing against my collarbone and everything around me still feels like a dream. Even after I regain control of my legs, my knees are still shaking. Even after my knees stop shaking, I still feel like bits and pieces of me aren't completely with me.

I think that maybe parts of my guts have been left up in the air, I know that my soul is still up there.

The swirl of clouds is still so strong in my memory that I see them wherever I look, and the wind cutting its way up my nose is still tickling my brain. I sit on a bench outside the main dome next to a fat Orange Jewel with a cigarette dangling out of the corner of his mouth and try to control my excitement.

The Orange pulls the cigarette out with his thumb and finger. Exhaling, he squints at me. "You have that look of a man who just had his first Plunge."

"Nnn" I rasp, my throat is dry and crispy from the wind. I also can't remember how to speak.

He nudges me, "good, eh?" he puts the cigarette into his mouth again. "This place's got so much downside to it you'll be sliding in mud and cursing the day you were born, until you go down that Portal Hole and step through the hatch. 'Course, you can't actually enjoy your first time, no one does. Too busy having the shit scared out of you. You wait until next time, bro, wait until next time." He puffs a cloud of smoke into my face. I usually hate being smoked next to. I like the air I breathe to be clear, fresh and cold. But I don't mind this time, the foul smell of smoke, the mysterious white haziness of it melts into my cloudy brain.

He whisks ash onto the ground and extends his hand, "I'm Blane."

"Dur – " I begin, but that's not the right name, "I mean, Cello." I say in a hoarse voice, shaking his chubby hand.

"Heh, aren't you that kid who trashed a Core meeting?"

I blink, uncomfortable with being the kid who trashed anything, "The Core trashed their own meeting."

Blane leans in closer, I cannot believe how many freckles are crowding around his nose, almost as if they're bunching together for moral support, "Hey what's the deal about what they're saying now? Did you really trash Old Flent's office too?"

"His name is Xeprim Tafflegripitt," I mumble. "Why does everyone call him Old Flent?"

"Does it matter?"

I shrug, "I guess not." All of a sudden, I'm not so sure about socialising with random people in the Zephyr. Something about this Blane fellow looks off, his interest in me doesn't seem entirely genuine. Maybe I'm still experiencing some paranoia from yesterday's slugging, or maybe I'm finally beginning to learn the ropes around here.

"What is it you do here in the Zephyr?" I try to ask casually, but my voice drips with suspicion.

Blane narrows his eyes, "I'm on a team. Leolan's team."

I nod, I don't know how to respond to this. I think I get what Tiger meant about not trusting Black Jewels, even Leolan who wants us on his team is sniffing about like a fox. "So, Leolan told you to ask me?"

Blane shrugs his pudgy shoulders, "It's the routine drill."

I feel exasperated, "Why?"

"There's a huge hole in the wall of Old Flent's office, the Core isn't pleased."

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