Chapter 39 - Cello

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Author's Note: Video on top is Red Hot Chilli Peppers "The Zephyr Song"! Play it!

39 - Cello

We sit on the red chairs around the black glass oval table facing the Core. I don't know the names of most of the Core members yet, but they're not as intimidating and unfamiliar as before. The Black Jewels are in high spirits, they are, all thirteen of them, sparkling like Black suns, brimming with energy.

They beam at Syianne, but she merely looks on at them in silence. In her eyes, they're her opponents.

She wasn't supposed to come; the Core had summoned only me. She had been told to take the day off and rest. But she slept from the moment she returned home yesterday morning till almost an hour ago. Syianne insisted that whatever the Core had to tell me, she would be there as well.

I don't know what she's playing at, but at least she's playing at something. That's more than I'm doing.

Her presence is accepted without comment. Our coming and going together has become the natural order of things.

"We are assembled here to discuss the matter of Cello Riles' encounter with the Scribbles yesterday morning at approximately 9:35 a.m." Sagastus begins. I knew that it would be something along those lines. I don't wait for him to continue, I don't wait to be asked a question. I raise my hand.

"There's nothing to discuss, I just walked around in the tunnels until suddenly I got spat out when there was the red alert. The Scribbles like Alprine-holders," I shrug. My innocent façade isn't convincing but that's my story and I'm going to stick with it.

Sagastus, like last time, looks unimpressed by my interruption. He looks calmly and coldly up at me, "There was a disturbance in transmissions from your chip for five minutes in the time you were inside the Scribbles."

Once again I shrug my shoulders at his response, "A glitch." My gaze passes from Sagastus, to the middle-aged woman with the green Jewel who likes to run her mouth about Undefined, to that Black Jewel with the bleached hair, then to Leolan, and to Risa and finally, I lock my gaze with Xeprim.

I'm not fooling anyone, but the fact that I've made them uncertain has given me a powerful hold. I rise to my feet, "Unless you want to explain to me what you think happened or what the Scribbles even is, then there's nothing more to discuss."

"Mr. Riles, you are not going to walk out of here without consequence."

"Don't threaten me for having nothing to report."

"You cannot command me. I am your superior."

"Superior?" I smirk, "I think right now your inferiority complex is outweighing everyone else's."

"Mr. Riles," Sagastus says, his voice an unusual combination of chilliness and fury, "you will regret – "

"If you do anything to hurt Cello," Syianne is on her feet, her voice soft but somehow rings clear enough to cut Sagastus off, "I'll see it as a personal offence."

I look at her, surprised, and then I scan the room. Dark gazes are being turned on Sagastus who appears to be caving in on himself. He gapes at her for a long moment before firmly closing his mouth. She understands the situation better than I do. Syianne has come here because she knew exactly what she wanted and what she was going to achieve.

Syianne's gift is rare and valuable. With a swift touch she had rid the Black Jewels of a problem that had been plaguing them for twenty years, but it was naïve of me to think that would be where it stops. This was only a test to see the extent of her power. She is their brand new toy, but the fun can only be had as long as she agrees, and she is now making it clear that that will happen only if she is kept happy.

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