Chapter 2: Drink on

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We are a few weeks back into semester 1, Man this is hard work. Forth year has to be the worse yet, well it is nowhere near as bad as the leaving cert. Zoe seemed to be fitting into our group of friends pretty well. She like added me on Facebook on the first day we met, okay wow most people don't really make the effort of adding me, never mind messaging me. Yeah I text the girls all the time but we have been friends for years. It is nice that Zoe messages me, I think it's bit cute. I finally to give into Becky and go to a nightclub with her. We all went to Laura's house to get ready on Friday night. JJ did my hair as Becky did my make-up, to be honest I can do all this just fine but to keep them happy I let them.

"Okay this seems like you." Said Laura holding one of her dresses.

It was black skinny dress with a V in the breast area to expose the cleavage.

"Eh no, it's not. Too exposing." I said

"Oh come try it on." Said Becky

"Oh okay fine." I said as I went to try it on. I put the dress on and walked back into Laura's room to the other's. They are all staring at me.

"What? Why you all staring." I asked

"OMG Dani, you are absolutely gorgeous, you should go out more." Said JJ

"I look ridiculous." I said

"Dani, you look beautiful." Said Zoe with her eyes scanning me.

"Whatever, Let's go before I change my mind." I said

We all walked from Laura's to the nightclub, we walked in.

"Okay I am getting everyone a shot." Said Becky

Becky went up to the bar and got five shots.

"Okay on the count of three. One, two, three." Said Becky as we knocked them back,

Man that was strong. I went up and got a bottle of WKD. I am very tipsy already. I am a lightweight. I went out to the dance floor and danced with the girl's. Laura, Becky and JJ got tired and went off to a table for a bit. Zoe and I are dancing together. I thought I was bad; Zoe seems to be drunk. She is very touchy when she is drunk, she keeps stroking my arms and hair. I know I can be feely when I am drunk, but I didn't think I was that bad. Zoe got me in her arms and we danced together. I just went with it. I could see Becky from the side-lines smiling, she gave me a wink. I just shook my head. The girl's seem to left probably for the bathroom. Zoe went to lean in to kiss me, I stopped her.

"Okay you have had too much to drink." I said

"Danielle, I want to tell you something." Said drunk Zoe

"Yeah I think you need to sober up, lets get some water." I said as I was moving Zoe from the dance floor.

"No wait, Danielle, I want to say I really like you. I have crush on you." Said Zoe

Oh Okay Wow that is surprising. She likes me, Wow. I have no idea how to respond to that. I don't know how I feel about her. I don't think she is ugly but I don't feel attracted as such to her. I like her personality.

"Oh okay, lets get you some water now." I said

"Shhh don't tell my mum and dad, they'd kill me." Said Zoe

Wow she is drunk. I don't think she likes me, maybe it's just the drink talking and she won't remember this in the morning. I got Zoe some water, to help her sober up. It's about 2am we all head back to Laura's place to crash for the night. Zoe and I were sharing the guest the room, of course, I wouldn't be surprised if that was Becky's idea for Zoe and I having to share a bed. I helped Zoe into her Pj's. She ripped her clothes off.

"You like?" said Zoe

Wow she flashing me. I tried to respect her privacy.

"Okay time to get into your Pj's." I said

"Maybe I should just sleep like this. Hehe" Said Zoe

Okay wow.

"Zoe, you are very drunk, you should get into your PJ's." I said

"Oh come on, you love the view." Said Zoe as she grabbed my hand and put on her boob.

I am literally speechless.

"Are you going to get into your Pj's or not?" I said

"Eh No, I think I am going to stay like this." Said Zoe

"Okay fine, whatever it doesn't bother me. Here unzip this dress please." I said as I lift my hair

"Hehe I would do more than unzip your dress." Said Zoe.

Zoe unzipped my dress and placed her hand on my hips and started moving them down my body. I stopped her. I removed my dress, just standing there in my bra and panties just like Zoe.

"You are so hot. You should sleep like that too." Said Zoe

"I am getting into my Pj's." I said

"Oh can I remove them hehe." Said Zoe.

"You should get into bed there" I said.

Zoe hopped into bed under the covers.

"It's lonely in here without you." Said Zoe

I got into the bed and laid next to Zoe.

"Okay time to go to sleep." I said

"Okay." Said Zoe.

Okay this girl doesn't give up, she is so much more confident drunk. I can't believe that she likes me. I don't know if I like her, she wasn't my type in looks but she is in personality. I like her personality. She is pretty great. I can't say she didn't turn me on when she wouldn't get dress and try to touch me, she did but I wasn't going to allow her go any further she is drunk. I may be tipsy but I wasn't going to take advantage of her. Even if it's hard. Damn. Zoe's hand's is roaming my body. She trying worm her hands into my panties. I stopped her.

"Okay will you go to sleep if I kiss you." I said

"Hehe Okay." Said Zoe

I leaned in and kissed Zoe, we kissed for a minute.

"Hehe I have never been kissed." Said Zoe smiling

"Oh okay go to sleep." I said

Wow I can't believe I kissed her. Well if it tames her then that's something. I faced the wall and closed my eyes. Then next Zoe wraps her arm around my waist. A few minutes later I could hear her snoring okay, I finally got her to go to sleep. It is like trying to get a three-year-old to listen to you, well I think it is a bit worse than a three-year-old, because three year olds don't try to seduce you. I fell asleep minutes later.

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