Chapter 5: Lying for you

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"Hey so do you want to come over to my house, my parents will like to meet you." Said Zoe

"Eh yeah sure." I said

"Oh remember they just think we are friends, because if they knew they would kill me." Said Zoe

Oh of course living in secret how could I forget.

"Yeah I remember Zoe." I said

"Okay 12pm Saturday?" said Zoe

"Okay, I meet you in the village of your town." I said

Saturday morning, I got on to the bus to Zoe's. I am similar with the area because JJ lives there. Standing at the bus stop was Zoe. I walked to Zoe's house with Zoe, Standing at the door way there was her parents. They looked angry looking. As I came up the door step they smiled.

"Hi nice to meet you Danielle." They said

I smiled and said "Nice to meet you too."

We walked into her house.

"Danielle please take a seat and make yourself comfortable." Said Zoe's mum

I sat awkwardly on the sofa. I sat with my feet firm on the ground. It feels weird being in Zoe's house. I am not a person for going to someone's house especially meeting one's parents. I go to my friend's house and I'd be lucky to even see my friend's parents.

"Close your legs Danielle." Said Zoe's mum

What close my legs? Really I am wearing jeans and the gap between my legs is my thigh gap, is she actually serious? I just crossed one leg over my another leg. I have no idea how to respond to her mother's comment.

"Would you like some tea?" asked Zoe's mum

"No thank you." I said

Her parents sat across from me on the armchairs.

"So Danielle are you gay?" asked Zoe's parents

Omg who just randomly asks one's sexuality. That is something personal that you shouldn't ask people's sexual orientation.

"Eh No "I said

I didn't think lying was a part of my relationship. I didn't sign up for lying. I don't lie because I don't like it."

"How old are you?" asked her parents

""21" I said

I didn't think I came over to be questioned by her parents.

"How many siblings do you have?" they asked

"Em 4." I responded with.

I turned and looked at Zoe.

"Okay that is enough mam and dad." Said Zoe

Zoe's parents went out to the shops, Zoe and I just sat there on the sofa talking.

"I'm sorry about my parents, they trust no one." Said Zoe

"I trust no one but I give everyone a chance until they prove me wrong." I said

"So are you telling me, if you parents say not to talk to me again you would listen?" I asked

"What no way! I will never leave you. Not for them, not for anyone." Said Zoe

Every time someone says they will never leave me they do. So every time I hear I will never leave you, I hear instead I will leave you.

Zoe and I are sitting on the sofa within friend's distance just in case her parents come in. A few minutes later, Zoe's mum walks in the front door.

"Danielle move away from my daughter you sitting way too close you are suffocating her." Said Zoe's mum

What the fuck is this woman serious. Her fucking parent are bleeding crazy nut jobs.

"I better be going." I said as I got up off the sofa

I can't take anymore of being in Zoe's house.

"Aww you sure you have to go?" said Zoe

"Yeah it is getting late." I said as I left.

I can't stay in that house, talk about making me feel the most uncomfortable person ever and then making me feel unwelcome. I texted JJ

"Hey you home?" I asked

"Yeah." Responded JJ

"Can I come over?" I asked

"Yeah call over." Said JJ

I walked over to JJ's house.

"Hey why you up here?" asked JJ

"I went to Zoe's houses." I said

"Oh how did it go." Asked JJ

"I had to get the hell out of there. Her parents are crazy." I said

"Oh gosh come in and we can have some coffee and talk, " said JJ

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