Chapter 13: The Ups And The Downs

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I just can't believe she lead me on to believe that she still had no memory for almost two months when she knew who I was and all our memories for weeks. Why would someone be so sick and twisted to make someone who cares about them so deeply suffer. It was not easy with her no remembering me. Being with Zoe hurts so good. Does that mean I leave? It's all great together but hurts like hell. I don't know, what do you with Zoe no more. I am not telling her that I have cancer because she doesn't have my trust.

I went to the cinema with Zoe, held hands as if nothing inside me has changed. The movie was good. After the movie we walked the streets and talked.

"Are you okay Danielle?" asked Zoe

"Yeah, I am fine." I said

"You don't seem yourself." Said Zoe

"Well the explosion still has it mental impact on me." I said

"Oh aw it will get easier." Said Zoe

For the next two weeks Zoe and I barely spoke because Zoe suddenly became too busy to speak to me. She never seemed to have the time for me no more.

Becky and I went to the hospital to look at the treatment plans that the Doctors can offer.

"You can take the chemo and it is mostly likely be successful in your case." Said The Doctor

Yeah that is if the chemo doesn't kill me before the cancer I thought to myself.

"Yeah I will go with the chemo plan." I said

"Okay we will make an appointment for Monday for your first treatment." Said the Doctor

Becky and I left the hospital.

"How you holding up?" asked Becky

"Hanging by a thread." I said

"I think it is time to tell your family and closest friends." Said Becky

"Sure JJ just randomly stop speaking to me, I can't understand that. I will not just tell her I have cancer because whatever her reason for not talking to me, might just suddenly change because I am dying." I said

"Okay lets just tell your family." Said Becky

"I guess I have to. Will you come with me?" I asked

"Yes, let's do it now." Said Becky

Becky and I got on the bus to my home. I knocked on my old front door. My mum answered

"Danielle. I didn't know you were calling." Said My mum

Becky and I went into my house. We walked into the kitchen. My mum put on the kettle and made some tea. We sat at the table.

"Mom we need to talk." I said nervously

"Yeah sure sweetie." Said my mum

"Please sit." I said

My mum sat down.

I took a deep breath.

"Mom this isn't going to be easy...I have to tell you, my doctor found from my results, I have breast cancer..." I said as the tears streamed down my face.

My mum just looked so shocked.

"What are you sure?" asked my mum

"Yes we just went to sort out treatment, that I will be taking." I said

My mum got up off her chair and started pacing around the room with her hands on her face. I could see tears streaming down her face. I went up and hugged her.

"It'd be okay; I won't go without a fight. "I said.

Two hours later Becky and I went back home to our place. I just suddenly got an upbeat in myself.

"Hey let's go out and party." I said

"What are you serious?" Asked Becky

"Yeah well who knows how long I will live." I said as I picked up the phone to call Laura

"Hey Laura wanna come out to party." I asked

"Yeah sure." Said Laura.

"Okay meets us at Nitez" I said

"Okay see ya there." Said Laura

I hung up the phone.

"Come on Becky." I said

Becky and I got ready and went to nitez, there was Laura. I went in got a few drinks, I went onto the dance floor and danced like crazy. I went off the dance floor for more drinks, I took a few group selfies with the girls and posted them on Facebook.

"Woo this is right." I screamed

"I think you have had too much to drink." Said Becky

"Ahh who cares I am dying with cancer." I screamed

"What?! "Said Laura

"Oops" I said

Laura went into the bathroom and Becky went in after her. I followed. Laura was in a stall crying.

"I'm sorry you found out this way." I said

"I can't believe you are dying you are so young." Said Laura.

I checked my phone, It was a message from Zoe.

"Hey Sorry, I really didn't want to have to do this but I have no choice, my parents read my diary and found out about us and they know everything. I have to break up with you. I am so sorry but just know I love you and will meet someone better than me. Its over I am sorry." Said Zoe

The tears streamed down my face.

"OMG" I said

"What." Asked Becky

"Zoe just broke up with me." I said crying

"What let me see." Said Becky taking my phone.

"OMG her parents what the fuck, she is 23 years old and she listens to her parents about who she dates. Serious, my mum never liked any of my boyfriends but I never broke up with them because she wanted me to." Said Becky

"I am sorry Dani." Said Laura

"You deserve better than her." Said Laura

"The bad override the good." Said Becky.

I ran to the toilet and threw up. I kept throwing up. Laura and Becky walked with my back home.

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