Chapter 6: Moving Day

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"So you two are going out about two months and she let her parents treat you like crap." Said JJ

"Yeah I guess that is the case, I can't get over how her parents have so much control over because in the end of the day she is an adult." I said

I spent the night at JJ's. On Monday I am finally moving out. I am so happy. Becky and I have got average priced apparent in the city. It be so much easier going to college. I am so happy I can live with one of my best friends. I spent most of the morning packing my boxes of stuff in the car. My granny drove me to my new place and I unloaded the boxes. My granny went home; Becky had already had a head start she already unpack lots of her stuff.

"I claim this room." Said Becky

"That's fine because I wanted the other one." I said

"This is the reason why I love sharing place with you." Said Becky

Becky and I spent the day unpacking.

"Okay I think we are finally finished." I said

"Yeah just about." Said Becky

"Man that was hard work." I said

"Yeah it was we should get something to eat." Said Becky

"Yeah that would be nice if we had any food." I said

"Oh yeah we got no food, we really need to go shopping." Said Becky

"Yeah well it is late and the shops are closed." I said

"Oh let's order take out." Said Becky

"Yeah some pizza and chips with a movie would be nice." I said

"Okay you got it." Said Becky

Becky called domino's pizza and had it delivered to our place while I set up a movie. I put on friend's request. Becky and I sat there and watched it. Becky spent most of the time watching the movie from under my arm. It is so funny seeing her practically shit herself. Zoe kept texting me, I think has sensed how I am hurt over the way her parents have insulted me in an indirect way. I think they do not like me. The movie is over and Becky is hiding behind the cushions on the sofa so scared.

"Hahaha you look terrified." I said

"I am. How am I meant to sleep tonight?" said Becky

"Ah I am sure you will find a way to sleep." I said

"Well your phone kept blowing up during the movie." Said Becky

"Yeah it was Zoe." I said

"Dani, just because her parents are crazy people, doesn't mean you push her away. You always seem to push your relationships away when it gets to about two months." Said Becky

"She has me lying to her parents and I can see that she'd leave me when I get attached." I said

"If you live in fear of that, then you'd never become close with anyone." Said Becky.

Becky and I went into our separate rooms, I got to say it is weird being in a new place but exciting. I was asleep in minutes.

"Dani you awake?" Whispered Becky

"No I am flying." I said all sleepy

"I can't sleep because of that movie." Said Becky.

I open up the duvet at the other side of the bed.

"Here get in." I said

Becky got into the bed beside me and we fell asleep beside eac

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