Chapter 12: Lying Too Deep

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"Becky, please do not tell anyone?" I asked

"What Dani, you are dying...I don't know how to be, besides hug you so much until you are cured." Said Becky

"Well I don't know how to deal with this, but I don't anyone knowing until I get things sorted out. Just keep it between us for now please?" I said

"Okay Dani." Said Becky

I honestly do not what do with myself, to get my life together, when it just feels like it is falling apart so fast. I didn't think my life was on a short string. I wanted to complete my masters and then my PhD and be a full qualified Doctor and help others because, helping people gives me great joy. I just tried to suppress the bad news.

To get my mind of things I just spent my time helping Zoe get her memory back. I know I have been going at this for weeks now, I am sure I will get her to remember everything again, remember us again. I brought Zoe back to places we went out together. I took her to the shopping centre where we went a few times. It holds so many memories. I decided to try colour contacts but couldn't get them out, Zoe took them out of my eyes in the middle of a clothes shop. It was a funny memory, I thought it may have brought some memories back. There are some shops where Zoe and I went inti them and just tried on clothes but not really buy anything, we just it for fun. It didn't seem to make a difference Zoe, didn't say anything seemed familiar.

I decided to take Zoe back to my special place, the place that seemed to be one of the best days ever. I took a blanket and a few snacks. I spread out the blanket. Zoe and I lay on the Blanket just like the way we lay the last time we were there.

"I like the first time I could you here and we just lay here for hours and we talked." I said

"Oh when I told you about abusive how my parents were." Said Zoe

"What you remember? What do you got your memory back." I asked

"OMG I remember! I finally got my memory back, thanks to you Dani." Said Zoe as she kissed me.

It was such a happy day. I finally got Zoe her memory back but I don't feel happy. I am so down within in myself. I don't want to die at 22 years old. I am still so young. I went back to my apartment and just lay on my bed and cried my eyes out. I couldn't stop crying. Becky walks into my room and laid on my bed beside me. She wrapped her arm around me.

"Shh, it will be okay, we will get through this together. We will find the best treatment together; you are not alone Dani." Said Becky sounding upset in her voice. I cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next morning Becky stayed in my bed with me. Maybe I should tell Zoe about the bad news I thought to myself. I got up and got dressed and went out. I decided to on the spring of the moment to make my way to Zoe's place I knocked on the door. Zoe's dad answered the door.

"Hi, Is Zoe there?" I asked

"Oh Hi Danielle, isn't it great Zoe got her memory back a few weeks ago. Thanks for being there for her. No she is out with her Friend Jackie. Do want me to let her know you called?" Said Zoe's Dad

"No. It's fine." I said as I walked off. The tears started building up in my eyes. I couldn't help it but started crying. I made my way back to the apartment.

"Dani are you okay? Where did you go?" asked Becky

"No I am not okay; I went to Zoe's." I said

"Aww what happened. I went there to tell her, but she wasn't there she was out with her friend Jackie, but her dad said she got her memories back weeks ago. She has been lying to me for weeks." I said crying my eyes out.

"What are you serious?" said Becky hugging me

"Yes." I said

Beneath The Truth Uncovers A Pathological Lair  (Lesbian)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang