Chapter 8: The Truth Vs The Lies

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So Zoe left at 10am, for her false doctor's appointment. I just can't believe she made that up. Does she really think I am that stupid? One lie makes you question everything with someone. Becky comes in the door.

"Hey, how was your weekend alone? Or were you alone?" Said Becky

"I wasn't alone." I said

"Oh did invite Zoe over?" Asked Becky winking

"Yeah." I said

"Oh is she still in your room?" asked Becky

"No. She left for doctor's appointment for the blood results." I said

"The Bloods she had taken on Wednesday?" Asked Becky

"Yeah." I said

"Okay I know from experience bloods are not back in three days and most definitely not on a Saturday, besides Doctors isn't open." Said Becky

"I know." I said

"I can't believe she lied." Said Becky

"Me either." I said

"Well it's your 22nd on Friday and it can just be us two going out." Said Becky

"Oh yeah, that'd be good." I said

Next day in College, Zoe is all depressed and really sad.

"Zo you okay?" I asked

"No but I will be." Said Zoe

"You can talk to be, you know." I said

"Yeah but I don't want to bring you down." Said Zoe

"You won't, you can talk to me about anything." I said

"Okay." Said Zoe

Zoe and I walked to classes together, at times I was talking to Zoe and she has completely spaced me. She is near me but she isn't there, she is lost in her own thoughts. She won't talk to me. Later that night, I was texting Zoe and I can tell she is not herself.

"Zoe, please talk to me. I am worry about you." I said

"Don't worry about me." Said Zoe

"Well I do worry, so please talk to me." I saidc

"Okay There was this guy the college I attended before I transferred called Collin , well he became obsessed with me and he stalked me, I seen him follow me to everywhere and one time on my lunch he founded me and he assaulted me...This was the time of the year it happened. I haven't told anyone. Don't tell anyone" Said Zoe

"OMG Zoe, why haven't you told anyone? Not even your parents." I said

"Well if my parents knew well I can't imagine how much worse they'd be, like look at them now, just imagine...besides I am over, I have dealt with it and put it behind me now. "Said Zoe

"No you haven't dealt with! You are obviously not over it if you are still sad over it and telling me. You should talk to someone." I said

I am a person who believes in justice and they fact Zoe doesn't want to bring justice it makes me mad inside because I can't bring justice. What Zoe told me has had a bigger on me more than I thought it would have. I really feel for that it makes me upset and the fact she is hurting and won't do anything about it kills me. I went back to my house to collect somethings.

"Hey you okay sweetie?" asked my mum

"I am fine just trying to process something that happened to Zoe that she told me and I don't know if I can keep it a secret." I said

"Aww I get that. I don't know the girl but just keep in mind of this. I have this friend and he had a girlfriend who pulled emotional strings on him, she would lie about situations to pull him closer and then try to manipulate him. He left her and she stalked him for a year afterwards. Just be careful she isn't doing that to you." Said my mum

"Okay will do." I said

Would she? Like would she make up something like that? I can't believe she be that bad to make something up like that...I don't know she has lied to me before...

Friday came, it is my birthday. Becky seems more excited about than I am. It is so funny when its someone's birthday how she gets so excited about it.

"Okay Dani dressed up nice. Put this dress I bought you on." Said Becky

I took the dress and put it on me. I walked back out to Becky

"Okay I look like a stripper." I said

"What no you don't, you look hot Dani, you are wearing it now and we are going out. "said Becky

Becky did my make-up and hair. We walked down the town into a club.

"SURPRISE!!! "Screamed everyone.

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