The Second Encounter

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Hey, READERS!!!!! Im seriously so happy and angry and sad right now Im happy because recently I finally hit 500 followers!!! SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!! Im sad because of some news I heard, especially with Cory Monteith, who I was one of his biggest fans.I feel so sorry for Lea...and then I heard that Kyle Massey recently got cancer......But what just made me just so darn angry was the result of e Zimmerman trial...Not guilty, really????? iim not gonna get to political i this to avoid argument, but im just really angry about that..Anyhoo, heres chapter 7, ENJOYYY!!!!


Erza P.O.V

I hated when Grandma made me do these things. I felt like it was more like a an arranged marriage meeting than a business meeting. Thats why I tried my best to look...well, like me instead of some polite damsel in distress. But my grandmother didn't like it, especially at that exact moment. She was staring at me with annoyance, examining me from the rubber of my black converse, to my faded blue jeans, to my grey pizza stained sweatshirt. She sighed. "Must you always look like this, Erza? You're gonna make me look bad in front of Mr. Dolley and his son."

I shrugged. "I could've just stayed home, you know? You could have avoided this."

"Ah, don't play that card with me, child! This is important for the sake of Scarlet Citrus!" What's Scarlet Citrus, you may ask? It's a dumb, popular clothing line for women between the ages of 14-25. My grandmother is the president of the company that started seven years ago. From the minute I was born, I had two choices to inherit: The Scarlet Dojo from my father's side of the family, or Scarlet Citrus from my mother's side. For years, Ive wanted to inherit the dojo for the sake of my love for sports and martial arts, but after my grandfather died of a sudden stroke last year, I have no choice. My grandmother is my guardian now, and what she says, goes. Or at least, thats what she thinks. As we continued to ride in our deluxe limo, I just stared out the window in silence. "Joseph is an amazing young man, Erza. He's a beautiful musician, who has won many awards if I may add, and-."

"Im not going to like him," I groaned.

"You don't know that! You need a man, Erza! For-!"

"For the sake of the company, I know I know!" I snapped. "But I bet he's going to be some kind of blazer wearing, gel haired guy."

To my dismay, he was exactly that.

We were at Lexington, a prestigious restaurant for the upper class. It was all glamour and class, with diamond chandeliers and marble dining tables with expensive looking food. I looked so out of place compared to these people. They were wearing such elegant dresses and jewelry, holding such expensive purses and their hair looking so glamourous. I was being stared at and whispered by the other women, but I didn't care. I could care less.

When we got to our reserved table, there was an old looking man who wore a suit, his black and gray hair combed back. His son looked exactly the same, wearing a blue blazer with a black tie, his hair gelled and combed back. When he saw me, he flash a gentlemen-like smile. "Ah, President Scarlet! It's a pleasure to meet you this evening," he greeted, grabbing Grandma's hand gently kissing it. She chuckled. "Oh my, you don't have to do that to such an old woman!"

"But you're still such a beautiful woman. And so is you're granddaughter," he winked. I flinched when he mentioned me. He goes to me and smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Scarlet."

Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu, Jerza )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz