Chapter 3

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Kaya and Princess laid in her queen sized bed watching reruns of Martin.

Kaya was also on her phone looking through her Instagram and seen the girl that bullied her from high school was pregnant by her high school sweetheart. Again.

She closed out the app and turned the tv off, letting the silence take over.

Princess paid on her back as Kaya rubbed her full stomach.

Feeling her phone vibrate out of control she quickly picked it up reading the unknown number on the screen.

Pressing the green button to accept, she cleared her throat.


Wassam baybeh'?

Kaya recognized the slang and the thigh squeezing accent, but decided to pretend not to know who it was.

Who is calling?

Don't be like dat ma', youa' know who dis is.

She could feel him smirking on the other end.

How did you get my number?

I have ma' ways

There was a slight pause.

Ia' jus wanted ta know if youa was straight from last night.

Yes, I'm fine.

Aw, well Ia wanted ta know if a nigga could take ya out.

Take me out? I don't know August.

Jus one time. You don't like it, ya neva her from meh again ight?

Kaya bit her lip.

Can I think about it?

Yeah, ia want ma ansa by ta night, love.

There was another pause then she realized that he hung up.

Kaya wasn't a hundred percent sure if she wanted to go on a date with a thug.



Kaya Zula.

The paper read. A doctor. Only twenty-three and a doctor.

I licked my lips as I looked at the pictures of her on Instagram. If anything a nigga would've thought she was an Instagram model.

Shorty was bad, no lie. She was tall, educated, and sexy as hell.

I still wondered why she ran out the club that night.

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