Chapter 8

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Happy Valentine's Day you guys! I was thinking about having them celebrate it next chapter because I feel like it's too soon for them. But enjoy this chapter ..

Excuse my mistakes




"August?" Rayne said staring at him with a confused look on her face. Her eyes shifted over to me, then down to his arm wrapped around my waist. "My cousin?" She laughed hysterically. "Really!?"

I was confused. But everyone knew that Rayne gets around so I'm not that shocked.

"What da fuck? You followin' a nigga?" He questioned.

"No, this is my cousin." She said folding her arms. "So you left me for this stuck up ass bitch?"


"Yeah, the same stuck up ass bitch that took "your" man and who you were begging for a place to stay." I retorted putting my hand on my hip.

"Chill out ma', go wait in da car." He whispered in my ear.

"But Aug-

"Go wait in da car." He demanded cutting me off.

I walked to his car and Rayne glared at me as I walked passed her.

I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that August was in a committed relationship with a girl like Rayne.

I opened the car door and slid inside.

It was a bit warm inside so I rolled the window down a bit and automatically heard August and Rayne going back and forth.

Getting tired of them arguing, I honked his horn because I really didn't want to miss our movie.

The car door opened and August got inside. 

By the look on his face, I knew he was mad. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He sighed. "I'm good."  He said before starting the car.

Work by Rihanna was playing softly and I quickly turned it up.

"Wha da fuck she sayin?" He laughed while pulling off.

"I don't know, but it sounds good." I shrugged smiling.

I started to fiddle with my fingers. I guess he noticed my nervousness and he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it.



"So what are we seeing?" Kaya asked sliding her phone into her pocket.

"Deadpool." August said.

Kaya nodded but little did August know, she was a low-key superhero freak.

She was obsessed with superhero as a child and she still is.

Hearing deep mumbled behind them, August turned around and seen two dudes standing behind them in line.

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