Chapter 18

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Hello. Get ready for some more drama. And for those who forgot, I only make short stories ..

Kaya in mm.

Excuse my mistakes ..




Rayne laid asleep on Kaya's couch with a ice pack covering his head.

She was beaten up pretty badly, but Kaya didn't believe August did it.

Especially her August.

Besides, Rayne was trying to break them up four months ago and she is always starting drama with girls and sleeping with married men. 

It only makes since if she got caught or was bound to finally get her ass beat from the way she talks to people and thinks she untouchable.

Kaya folded her arms and kicked the couch to wake Rayne from her slumber and she shot up. "What?"

"You need to start talking." Kaya said.

Rayne sighed and sat up on the couch. "It's pretty simple Kaya." Rayne said rolling her eyes. "I was walking back to my car and I was shoved against it. I turned around and August was standing over me yelling and he beat me up from messing with you."

Kaya raised her eyebrow not believing anything she said.

"And how long ago did this happen and why did you come here?"

"It happened around 4 and you're a doctor." She said in a duh tone.

"Well you're okay now, so you can leave." Kaya said walking towards the door.

"So you're going to stay with him?" Rayne asked.

"Yeah. I don't believe you."

Rayne's face scrunched up in anger and she was so close to spilling the truth about Riley.

"Fine. Don't come crawling to me when he beats your ass!" Rayne yelled leaving out of the door.

Kaya closed her door and walked back to her bedroom as Princess continued to bark at the front door.


August entered Kaya's room and placed his keys down on her dresser.

It was going on 11:30 and he quickly got undressed to get in the shower.

He wanted nothing more than to slip inside the bed on the other side without waking her up.

While August scrubbed it body down the curtains were yanked back.

"What da fuck?" He yelled as the water still poured down on his body.

"Where were you? Why are you just now getting back?" Kaya asked.

"I was wit da guys." August replied as he turned the shower off.

Kaya stepped back and looked at his clothes that were laying on the bathroom floor.

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