Chapter 5

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I've been feeling horrible. The sleepiness never ends!

But enjoy this chapter ..




"Why haven't you been returning our calls? Your mother and I were worried sick!" My mom said dramatically.

Let me explain. I have two mothers. They have been married for 10 years since they legalized gay marriage, but to them it's been 25 years.

I used to be ashamed of them because people would pick on me and ask where my father is.

I've grew to love them very much.

My mom, Kacey and my mother, Faye.

"Mom, I've just been really busy with work that's all." I explained as I put fresh water into Princess's water bowl

"Work my ass!" She yelled.

I sighed into the phone as I placed her bowl down.

"Mom, where is mother?" I asked trying to escape from talking to her any longer.

"She's in the kitchen cooking for the get together tonight. Are you still coming?" She asked. "Of course I am. How was your day today though?"

"It was fine. I took Faye out this afternoon to this restaurant and I seen your no good cousin all hugged up in a booth with some man."

My mom and mother couldn't stand Rayne. They always tried to keep me away from her growing up.

"Oh really? Did you know she's staying with me?" I said waiting for her reaction. "Really!? That couldn't be me." She laughed.

I loved gossiping with my mom.

"Yeah, but we seen her there and you wouldn't believe this!" She said getting ready to spill the tea.

"What happened?" I asked curiously while blowing my fork full of chicken Alfredo.

"So the owner, which was super fine, came to her table and started cursing her out and told her to leave. I think she was caught cheating or something. You know that girl stupid as hell." She said going on and on.

My intercom rung notifying me I had a visitor.

"Oh mom, I have to go Robin's at the door."

"Oh alright baby, make sure to be here later. I love you."

"I love you too mom. Tell mother I love her too." I said ending the call to get go to the intercom.

"Yes Pete?" I said after pressing the button.

"You have a visiter Ms. Zula. Shall I send them up?" He asked.

"Pete, you already know you could always send Robin up." I said laughing.

"Oh, Ms. it's not-

"Pete it's alright. Go ahead." I said before letting go of the button.

I put the popcorn into the microwave, grabbed two family sized bags of Sour Cream and Onion chips and Hot Fries, along with a case of Fruit Punch Minute Made.

Tonight was movie night and I know it sounds wrong, but I need a beak from my parents.

I see them four times a week and sometimes I just need me time.

I'll just go over their house tomorrow morning apologizing and then I'll spend the rest of my day there.

There was a knock on the door and I dropped the snacks into a pile on the couch and quickly walked to the door to open it.

My face fell in surprise when I seen who was at the door.

"August? What are you doing here?"



Rayne sat in her all black 2014 BMW that her sugar daddy bought her as she banged her freshly done nails into the keyboard sending message after message to August apologizing.

She knew it was stupid to bring another guy to his restaurant, but she thought he wouldn't be there.

All she wanted was free food and a couple stacks from him then go back to her cousins house and try to get August back.

She was so angry he was treating her this way over a new bitch he just met.

She's been riding for August over a year, she met his family, his mother, and his bad ass nieces.

She honestly don't know what that other girl had that she didn't. She knew she was ten times badder than her.

Rayne felt a tap on her window and seen that it was her Bestfriend China.

She unlocked the door for her and China climbed inside with rollers in her head and a silky robe on.

"Damn girl it's only 8:30 and you looking like you just woke up." Rayne joked.

"Girl." China said scratching in between her rollers. "I have a job interview tomorrow morning and I just put Leilani to sleep." China said referring to her three-year-old daughter. "Wassup though?" She asked yawning.

Rayne fanned her yawn away not trying to take any chances with what her breath might smell like.

"So tell me why I went to August-

"Girl." China said cutting her off and rolling her eyes. "You could've called me. I'm sick of hearing that man's name." China complained.

China didn't understand why Rayne was so crazy over a man that didn't want her.

Rayne rolled her eyes. "Anyways ..I seen him earlier and we had sex." She said lying.

China's eyes widened. "I thought he was ignoring you, where this happened."

"Girl no ..we were at his place and we talked it out. We good now." Rayne said smiling.

"That's good. But I gotta go before she wakes up." China said trying to cut the conversation short.

Rayne pouted. "Oh okay, good luck tomorrow best."

"Thanks girl, be safe." China said exiting the car.

Rayne pulled off and drove towards Pharaoh's house.

She knew he was her cousin's ex, but she couldn't help resisting him. She needed to be relieved since August wasn't talking to her.

But one thing for sure she was going to find out who got him acting different.

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