The Break Up

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I'm pacing around the room where is he? I wonder it's so late where on earth is he? He promised he would be back for dinner which was prepared a few hours ago. Where is Baba he should have been back by now. I've call him several times with know answer. Finally giving up I head to bed.


The next morning I wake up alone. He still hasn't come home. I sigh and get ready for work.  Then I hear the door open. He walks up to me and apologizes to me.
"I'm so sorry Yuki I was so drunk." He says.
It is then I realized there was a hint of perfume on him.
"Did you sleep with her?" I asked.
Though it was clear he had because of his disheveled clothing. I just wanted to hear it from him. I always knew he was a flirt but I never thought he would act on it after he asked me to marry him. After a short time I hear a soft "Yes" from his lips.
I'm shocked but I shouldn't be because I already knew it happened.
"I won't be home after work today I'll find another place to stay." I tell him holding back my tears.


After work I walk around Dubai looking for a place to stay. It starts to get late and I make a call to a person I never thought I would call. I debated on who to call. If I called Eisuke he would probably just yell at me, if I called Mamoru he probably just say it was just a pain, and if I called Soryu never mind I don't even want to know. So I called Ota. He would at least let me stay on the couch or something.
"Ota can I come over?" I ask.
"Yuki what's wrong?" I hear I'm answer groggily.
"Oops did I wake you? Sorry I'll find another place to stay. Good night Ota." I tell him.
"Wait!" I hear him yell on the other end.
"Come over I don't mind" he says quickly before hanging up.
I rush over to his place before it gets darker.


I'm outside his place I knock on the door. Ota opens the door and I walk in.
"What happened with Baba that you couldn't go home?" He asked.
I just stayed silent before telling him the whole story.  "So I dumped him." I tell him.
Ota slowly moves closer and for some reason I'm drawn to him before I knew it his lips were on mine. We broke apart and I asked "Can I take a shower?"
"Yes you can" he says with a smile.
"I'm sorry he did that to you. If I was your boyfriend I would never do that to you."
I thanked him with a smile on my face as I walk into the fancy bathroom and undressed myself. I turn on the faucet and water was pouring on my skin. I hear the door open and I see Ota with no shirt on. For some reason he looks sexy. I can't look away. I slowly move toward him and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. We started to kiss more passionately. Finally unable to take it Ota undid his belt and took off is pants and boxers. Not caring about them getting wet. He lifts me and places me on his hips and we start moving are hips. I'm moaning in pleasure and Ota pushes us up against the wall to get him self in faster. We turn off the shower and head to the bedroom and we continue to make love until early in the morning.


I wake up in the morning still soar from last night. I blush as I remember what Ota and I did. But sadly I don't regret it. I didn't love Baba anymore so it was fine. I steal a look at the man next to me and kiss his lips.
"Wanting to do it again so early in the morning you naughty girl!" He says while pining me down and we made love again.


I get to the penthouse two weeks later and I'm questioned by Baba about where I was. This pissed me off. He leaves me home alone and I don't ask where he was so why is he asking me? What nerve this guy has before I can say anything Ota walks up.
"Don't worry I road her hard last night and every night the last two weeks." He says.
My face goes red at the thought.
"Ota stop your going to start a fight!" I yell at him.
Ignoring my words of advice Baba punches Ota in the face.
"Ota! Baba stop it!" I scream. I move in front of Ota to protect him.
"Why are you protecting him!"
"I like him and I'm not ashamed that I had sex with him because unlike you he actually cares about me!"
He was about to shove me into the wall when Ota spoke up "She is pregnant!" He said loudly. Baba just looks at me shocked at what he just said. He just walks away hurt. Everyone just watched as he left. I felt a little hurt but am reassured when the one I love is wrapped around me.
"Get a room you guys!" Soryu exclaims.
I just giggle and rub my belly excited for what's to come.

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