Chapter Six: Say goodbye, Lucy.

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*Lucy's Pov*

At this very moment I sat on a train out of Magnolia. I packed up a few things and left a note on my desk for any member of the guild if any of them ever manage to read it.

What it said was...

' Dear Fairy Tail,

It has been amazing, the days I spent with you. I'm sorry all of this happened. I'm leaving and going home, I guess i should have never left in the first place. I don't need this heartache and this betrayal. I am not guilty of using Natsu if that's what you all think.

I'm not running away from this because I did it. I'm running away because I didn't and no one will listen to me. Thank you Gray and Wendy for believing in me, till the very end. 

I would never in my life do that to anyone, let alone the man who has had the biggest impact on my life. I still cant get over that fact that everyone believed I did that so easily. 

Natsu, if you happen to be the one reading this then I have a few things to tell you. I hope you read far enough to hear the truth.

For one, I love you more than anyone could ever imagine. No one in this world could even come close to comparing to you.

You're the most amazing man I've ever laid eyes on. I wish you'd believe me. I never knew Lisanna would do this. 

You warned me about her remember? You told me if she tried to tell me that you loved her not to believe her. Yet you have fallen for her tricks. Its funny how those things happen.

I'm sorry. But this will be the last time you hear from me. I'm starting my new life without people who turn on me. I'm really sorry.

I'm thinking about joining Blue Pegasus. I'm sure they'd be happy to have me. 

Goodbye now Fairy Tail. I loved you.'

Those were the last words I would so much as utter to any member of Fairy Tail. It was a hard decision. To leave the one place I had always felt accepted.

But now I was shunned over something I would never do.

I looked out the window at the moving scenery. It was truly beautiful. The mountains soared above the train car. It was silent around me. Not very many people were traveling today.

I let my mind wander and soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep on the train bench.

*Natsu's Pov*

"Natsu, I really don't see why you don't believe Lucy!" Gray said to me, his voice was stern and cold. 

His glare met mine, we were alone in this room. He had asked for my audience after Lucy left the Guild just a few hours before. 

I guess everyone was so mad at her no one bothered to go after her. Which is fine, its not like I cared or anything.

"You don't see? Well, I don't know, maybe its the fact she lied to me in the first place, USED me to get you!" I shouted, standing up from the table I sat at across from Gray.

"That's the thing, Natsu! She wasn't lying to you! She looked me straight in the eyes and told me she didn't love me. That she loved you and always had. Now, Natsu, you of all people know my feelings for Lucy. If She really loved me she wouldn't have to go through you to get me!" Gray cried out, begging for me to believe him.

"And? Whose to say that your word means anything anymore? Huh?" I asked.

"Natsu you're being very stubborn for someone who is as loyal as you." Wendy's voice carried through the nearly empty guild.

I turned to her, I had never seen the little dragon slayer look generally angry before. But this look, was something that could even match Erza at her most destructive. 

 "What do you want, Wendy?" I asked, a little more rudely than i had hoped actually.

"Sit down, Natsu. I have alot to talk to you about." She said walking over to Gray and I and standing next to the table, bit not sitting down.

I love you, Lucy HeartfiliaWhere stories live. Discover now