I Spun The Bottle

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I Spun The Bottle

Author: Sweetdreams21

Genre: Romance & Teen Fiction

Description: "My heart skidded to a sudden halt as soon as it landed on him. He was the only person I didn’t want the bottle to land on. It seemed like everyone in the entire party turned their attention to both of us. I bit my lip in utter frustration. This wouldn’t have happened if I just told her no. I would still be at home working on homework at this moment if I just said that one simple word. No."

Carolyn Summers has always been a square, a goodie two shoes. She's never been to a high school party, and she's never been out past curfew, but when she's threatened to be humiliated in front of her entire school for something that happened over three years ago she has to make a decision-- fast. Lyn does the thing she swore she'd never do: sneak out of her house, go to a high school party, and--and play a game of Spin the Bottle? 

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