Chapter 17 ~

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Ha! So, I actually finally updated. I know you're probably fainting right about now! Anyway... I made a plot summary for myself and figured that since I haven't updated in so long you've all forgotten the story... so I posted that and the other stuff that I use to help keep me on track with writing the story (relevant to previous chapters and excluding plot giveaways of course... :D) I've taken the time between now and the previous chapter update to edit the story and get all the characters right, because in all honesty... I forgot some of their names and gave them new ones and only realized it later... LOL. Thanks so much my most awesome fans!!! And without further ado.... I give you:

Chapter 17

The waters that lapped against the shores, piers, docks and boundary walls along the coasts of Phishin, the Capital of the Water Kingdom were almost as multi-hued as her eyes. Nixie looked out over one of the most beautiful beaches in Phishin from the wide window that expanded across an entire wall of her suite’s lounge. A silken gown of rich, blue fabric hung from her shoulders to cascade down to the floor. A hired maid had brought it to her along with a very large supply of make-up, hair and skin products, and a pair of blue-green sandals. The woman had fixed her hair up to flow down her back like a sable waterfall.

“Princess Nixie, King Lars would have you join him in his receiving hall now.” The maids left and Nixie followed them out the door but they were gone and she didn’t know her way. She eventually found herself outside by a beach called Sapphire Strand. People passing her by recognized her, in her royal garb, without her father having to be beside her.

Nixie was still getting used to all the maids and butlers calling her ‘Princess’ Nixie. Everywhere she went people bowed their heads and threw flowers and seashells at her feet. Once she bent to pick up a particularly beautiful blue shell and the maids had nearly fainted and fallen over themselves; after which they’d insisted she tell them which she’d have picked up and they would do it. Nixie had shooed them all away and picked up the ones she wanted. The next time she’d seen someone poised to throw seashells at her feet she’d stopped them and begged they show the seashells to her instead. Nixie couldn’t believe all the vibrantly coloured seashells that she saw in the people’s hands. There were shells of all types and colours and shapes and sizes.

In this instance, one little boy had seen what she was doing and had approached her. Two guards had nearly scared him off before she stopped them and asked him what he wanted. The small, raven-haired boy smiled shyly and offered up to her one half of a bivalve shell. It was a multi-hued blue one, large and had a single naturally formed hole in the apex where a ligament had once connected it to its other half.

“My Princess, on behalf of House Blackfish, I would like to present you with one of our most prized treasures. It is a seashell from The Deep Sea.” Nixie stared at the shell in wonder. She was about to reach out for the shell when someone blocked her way.

“The Princess will have none of your filth, Blackfish. Go away before I tell your father.” Some tall man with orange hair stood in front of Nixie. He was a brutish looking guy with arms the size of tree-trunks. When he turned around Nixie looked up and saw that he had a hard face with severe edges and a sharp straight nose. Two light brown eyes stared at her. His thin lips pulled up into a smirk. “Wylan Bunting at your service, Princess Nixie.” Nixie’s mouth flew open and she felt as if her eyes would pop right out of their sockets at any moment. “I apologize for startling you, I didn’t realized my presence would create such an effect.” After his lips stopped moving with speech they pulled up into that ridiculous smirk again. Nixie frowned and stepped around the arrogant man.

“Wait, little boy!” She called after the little boy from House Blackfish.

“Let that little roach go, you have far more important people to spend your time on.” The foolish man grabbed her arm and made to turn her towards him again. Nixie wrenched her arm from his grip, turned her face towards his and hissed up at him.

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