Chapter 19 ~

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I realize that you've all been waiting for this chapter for a really long time, which makes me feel even worse about the fact that I had this typed out two months ago already. In between my very hectic life schedule that consists of a lot of typical lesbian drama (start dating one of your best friends, she dumps you for her ex, she dumps her ex for you, she dumps you for her ex again... yeah, my life) I have been thinking about what I plan to put in chapter 20 and I'm not entirely sure... but hopefully sometime this weekend if I'm not too busy I'll get around to typing out at least some of the chapter and in a week or so I'll be uploading it. Enough of that, enjoy the new chapter, give me a shout if you have any questions or suggestions :D


Chapter 19

Nixie stood beside her father, presenting a united front as the great hall filled with the royalty, leaders and nobility of all the elemental and creature kingdoms, save the Dark Kingdom which was no longer existent. One by one the royal families each greeted King Lars and Princess Nixie. Nixie was about to go sit on her own little throne, thinking that she’d seen everyone, when Lars tapped her on the shoulder and pointed towards a bright group of people approaching them. Their bodies seemed to shine with an inner light, which stunned Nixie, but what really made her speechless was the sight of Alona walking calmly just behind her mother and father, the king and queen of the Light Kingdom. Nixie had to pull her eyes away. She missed Shayden and it showed on her face as Alona walked up to her. Alona saw the pain in Nixie’s eyes and forewent formality; she wrapped Nixie in a tight hug as if she’d never let go.

“We’ll find her and bring her back.” Alona whispered into Nixie’s ear. When they pulled apart they noticed everyone staring at them, most were surprised, but Queen Raya, Alona’s mother, looked more concerned than anything else.

“You two know each other, Nixie?” King Lars wraped his arm around his daughter and smiled gently at Alona.

“Yes father, I met her a while ago, she saved me when I almost drowned.” Nixie heard a gasp run through the hall. She raised her eyebrows to her father questioningly.

“Nixie, water sprites cannot drown, it is impossible.” Lars’ voice was calm but his expression still held shock.

“Well I didn’t say that I drowned, I said that I almost drowned, and I didn’t have any powers to speak of back then.” Lars nodded but gave Nixie a look that meant that they’d carry the conversation on later. He turned and led the rulers of the light kingdom and Alona off to their own dais with a small throne for each of them on it.

Nixie glanced around and noticed that two of the dais’ were empty. The Kingdom of Shadows’ royalty, swathed in grey and black, sat silently and observed the proceedings. Fire and Air’s royalty, adorned in red and white respectively were a small party but they stayed close by Earth and Light. It dawned on Nixie that Shayden’s kingdom, Wingdom, had not yet arrived.

The thought was barely complete when a strong wind blew the doors open so that they slammed against the walls on either side. Two figures, followed by ten huge guards entered the Great Hall. Shade was the exact image of the queen; same curly brown hair and grey eyes; same willowy figures and entitled smiles. Nixie stared at the queen, looking for something of Shayden in her, and eventually saw that they had the same tilt to their head, the same walk, and the same high cheekbones. A small tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it off discreetly with the back of her hand.

“Emelda Marrick, I’m very pleased you could make it.” Nixie watched her father approach the queen of Wingdom with open arms, and she saw the surprise in Queen Emelda’s eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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