Chapter 2 ~ I felt

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Chapter 2

“I so just kicked your awesome, sexy little behind for the HUNDREDTH time! Whoop whoop!” I was doing my little happy dance thing – jiggling my derriere and shaking my exteri-air. Hey, can’t blame a chick from trying to make my dorky dance rhyme.

“Oh so I got a sexy ass, huh?”

“Phew, you have no idea what I want to do to it; spank it, lick it, you name it… I me~” COUGH! Hello! Did I really just say that?!

I looked down at my attire and nearly died of embarrassment. At least I wouldn’t have felt so bad about hitting on this absolutely gorgeous girl if I had looked half decent; but goodness did I look like Santa defrosted and kicked off the wrong side of the bed. Now that I actually had the ability to focus on more than just staring at her and the game I could see how desperately I needed a shower.

My board shorts were still covered in sand; sand which had latched itself not only also onto my bikini but onto and into every surface, nook and cranny on my sensitive little body. I’m going to need one good scrub.

“I look and smell like a hobo dipped in the sand and rolled up in sushi.” I turned my stricken face to Ally.

“Nix, you know where the bathrooms are…” She smiled that smile that makes my heart melt and walked away to go fiddle with the gaming consoles. I stared at her behind that was now stuck out in my direction. Come on, you know you would stare if a hot chick happens to stick her butt up in the air. It’s staring back! It’s only fair. “You might want to get your feet to work if you plan on going anywhere, don’t you think?” She looked back at with a knowing smirk on her chiselled face.

Turning away to try conceal the blush that had snuck up on me, I made my way out the door and went down the corridor to the bathroom.


“Brilliant!” I shouted out at the ceiling. “Just bloody well amazingly BRILLIANT!” I got louder and had to clamp a hand over my mouth to shut myself up.

“How the heck does someone manage to go to the bathroom to shower… and forget to take not only a towel, but clean clothes? I mean, clean clothes are an essential part to completing the process of becoming and changing into something cleaner.” I was rambling off to myself when I heard a slight noise coming from the doorway.

“Is somebody there?” My heart rate accelerated and I could feel a lump forming in my throat. Okay, so I must have been the only idiot in history to actually get scared during Scary Movie. Sue me.

“If someone’s there, you better answer me before I kick your face in!” Hah! That didn’t sound like the ‘saving-face’ speech of someone who’s about to drop and roll any minute. No… not at all.

“Woah, woah, no need to get so violent.” A small hand wrapped around the door and started pushing it open.

“Oh no you don’t, keep that door shut, thank you very much. I need some privacy right now. Hey… do you think you could call Ally for me, I need some fresh clothes and stuff.”

“Uh, that’s actually why she sent me.” The girl gave a small giggle. “Here you go.” She passed a pile of clothes and under garments through the crack in the door. Before her hand disappeared I called out a quick thank you.

I picked up the pile and shook out a bright yellow T-Shirt. This must belong to Ally; I could smell her sunshine and sea water scent all over it. I turned back to the pile and looked for some underwear.

There weren’t any.

Say what? Does she expect me to ‘hang loose’?

Feel the breeze…

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