Strong Currents

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Strong Currents


Feeling and knowing that your fate is literally riding on luck was a combination leading to anxiety inducing stress like no other. The knowledge of knowing that you truly had limited control over your future made it impossible not to hold on to that which you could control even tighter. I had to accept that this moment was all I had, and I'd controlled all I could up to this point.

Coming to that ultimate conclusion, I gathered my courage from the dregs of my sould and started paddling my heart out. The contradicting flow of water beneath me slowed my progress as I began to move against the current. The swell of water that pushed my fin-clad feet up was my only warning as a giant wave built up behind me. It took a total of three seconds for the barrel wave to form and curl over. Seeing my opportunity, I pushed down on the front of my body board, leaning more heavily to the right, and curled my legs up so that my feet touched my behind. The board swerved right and up into the wave. The water pushed us up and the speed was incredible, blowing my hair back as the board and I reached the peek and flew on past it, up into the air. As I went I spun my body around in the air, spinning three times and doing a somersault before managing a perfect landing.

The cheers from behind me were loud and celebratory. The erratic beating of my heart was now for the joy of executing a perfect triple spin air. I was the last contestant and the only one to achieve such a great trick. This meant that it was very likely that I was the winner. I could be the next female body boarding champion! Yeah! A wide smile tugged at my lips and I turned around to make my way back to shore. The sudden change in tone of the shouting from shore was the only thing that warned me of the deadly predicament I was about to face.

Somehow, I must not have been paying enough attention to the ocean currents, I had drifted off. Rocks had risen from the water, seemingly from nowhere, and I couldn't see a way out. The sharp and slippery surfaces spoke of deep cuts and broken skulls. The water continued to push me further and further into the rocks. After trying in vain to swim against the current I gave up and let it take me into the rocks. A sudden large swell smashed me against one giant boulder and the painful sound of my board snapping met my ears.

The two pieces of the expensive, professional body board drifted off out to sea and I was left to cling onto the rocks for dear life. Minutes passed, though it seemed more like hours, and not one sound betrayed the approach of a rescue team. My bruised body ached and my arms grew heavy as they lost blood through the gashes that I'd obtained from the sharp rocks and pieces of oyster shells that covered the rock surface. How much longer I'd be able to hang on I didn't know. The water only became stronger as time passed because the tide was changing; the water level was also rising. Looking up at the bright blue sky, clear and sunny, I feel as if my world was spinning. Spinning too fast to follow, and yet every detail of the stratus cloud floating idly above me was as clear as if under a microscope.

So slow, the water rose up and up. The rock surface was growing too slippery to hang on to any more. 'This is it.' I thought. 'I am going to drown.' A swell in the ocean lifted me up and before I could even try to secure myself, I was swept away from the rock. I grabbed onto another, even finding a foothold, but cutting my hands and feet to shreds in the process. Pain pulsed in my head and I noticed how light-headed I was, just before fainting. A sharp pain registered itself on my head.

My eyes closed and the last day of my life replayed in my head. Strange. I thought your whole life was supposed to flash before your eyes? I felt pathetic as I remembered the exact events between this morning and my potential moment of death instead. All the fighting I had been doing with my mother and friends for the past couple months, led up to today. Ironically, this should have been one of the happiest days of my life. I had been training most of my life, since the age of five, to become the best female body boarder in the world. This morning however, was one of the worst ever.

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