Chapter 10 ~ The Disgust

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Chapter 10

            The windows were rolled down and music played softly in the background. Shayden sat with me in the back, an arrangement with which Miss Red, whose name I’d been informed was Mimi, was entirely unhappy about.

            “I seriously don’t understand why one of you can’t sit up front. The air is better, the sun is brighter, and all in all it would make me feel an immense amount better.” Mimi huffed and puffed and blew the hair out of her face as we giggled at her continuous babble about the injustice of looking like a common hired-helper.

“Probably because that irritates you more, and right now your voice is less irritating than your discomfort is amusing. Therefore, we’re staying right here.” Shayden jumped up and down in the seat like a kid.

“Shay, look! I can’t believe how amazing those waves look.” Shayden and I were grinning slyly at one another, a look that Mimi, apparently, didn’t miss.

“No way! We just got this car cleaned and serviced, and now you want to get it all dirty by driving it up to the beach. Not a chance!”

“Excuse me, but I’m pretty sure that where this car goes or doesn’t go, considering it’s mine, is up to me. So put on your sunglasses and a pair of flip-flops Mims, we’re going to the beach.” Shayden and I were still giggling and playing around when Mimi slammed on the brakes.

Nixie’s face was scrunched into the headrest of the seat in front of her; Shayden had been knocked right off the seat and was lying there holding her arm; and Mimi was sticking her head out the window, looking up at the sky.

“What the hell, Mims? What’d you do that for?”

“They’re up there; watching us.” Shayden’s face paled.

“Who is?” Nixie leaned over to the window and just as she was about to stick her head out of the window Shayden grabbed onto the back of her shirt and pulled her away from the window just in time for a bullet to go whizzing past her, where her head had just been. “What the hell is going on here? Did somebody just shoot at me?”

“Nixie calm down; you’re going to be fine, just stay away from the windows.” Shayden moved so fast that Nixie could barely even see a blur as she stretched to take a peek out the window and ducked back in. Bullets started raining down on the car. Little bullet-sized dents were forming all over the roof, mostly directed towards the back of the car. “Mirah, drive! We have to get out of here and keep Nix safe!” Without thinking Shayden wrapped her arms around Nixie and pulled her down to the floor of the car.

“Did you just call her ‘Mirah’?” Shayden’s eyes widened for not more than a fraction of a second before they turned soft and, obviously, guilt was written all over her face.

“I’m really sorry Nix. I didn’t want to lie to you about who Mirah was. I just didn’t think that introducing myself as the person who had freed a ‘convict’ was the right way to start this.”

“What do you mean by ‘this’? Is Shayden even your real name?” Shayden held onto Nixie’s hands, even though she was fighting to pull them away.

“Please understand, there are many things I need to explain, and although I really want to tell you them right away, there is simply not enough time, nor is this the right place.” Shayden cupped Nixie’s face with her hands and made her meet her gaze. “Nixie, I cannot tell you how much I care for you, for fear that I will chase you away. But I can promise that the way I feel cannot change. Should you reject me and deny the bond between us, I would never seek to fill the hole in my heart with anyone else. I can’t even imagine it. I just know that we’re supposed to be together. Those who are up there know that, and that is why they are trying so desperately to either take you from me, or me from existence. Either way they would have won.”

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