Chapter 18 ~

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Chapter 18

Two guards pushed open the heavy oak doors that hid the entrance of King Lars’ hall. The entrance was a large room which was lushly decorated and furnished from the seas of the Water Kingdom. Four more guards stood at the next, more elegantly designed, oak doors which led into the hall itself. All four f the guards bowed and pushed the doors open. Beyond them Nixie saw her father seated on a seashell throne upon a large dais. Standing before him were the Lady Elisabeth Bunting, her son Wylan Bunting, and the group of guards who had been at the Blackfish’s residence. Nixie caught the end of Lady Elisabeth’s sentence as the scowling woman turned to see who had interrupted her monologue.

“-stole from the seashell merchant, Mr. Molus.”

King Lars rose from his seated position and nodded his head as Nixie approached the dais.

“Just handling some small matters, my dear, then we can get back to the matter at hand. Lady-” Nixie interrupted her father’s speech by holding up her hand. Lars looked at his daughter questioningly before he withdrew to sit upon his throne once again and motioned for her to continue.

“Your Majesty, if I may, I feel I can shed some light on the current situation.”

“How could you do that? You were not even there. As I was saying Lars-“ Lady Elisabeth stopped talking when she felt a sword poke at the area on her back closest to her kidneys.

“You will address his majesty, King Lars Finn Whave, in the proper manner and tone as is befitting your station, Lady Elisabeth.” Nixie held back a smirk as she stared into the brown eyes that glared back at her and seethed with hatred. Nixie nodded towards her blonde guard as he stepped away from where he had moved to poke the tip of his sword into the Lady’s back.

“Nixie was that necessary?” Lars looked down at his daughter with questioning eyes and watched as she shook her head at him. Movement pulled his eyes from his daughter to where Whyatt Bunting was now descending on the fairer of his daughter’s guards.

“You insolent fool, I’ll have you arrested for threatening my mother’s life!”

“You will do no such thing, Mr. Bunting. My guard was acting under my orders. If anyone should be locked up it should be you and your mother.” Whyatt turned on Nixie, a furious expression on his face.

“We should be locked up? Who do you think you are?” Whyatts voice echoed off the walls and Elisabeth placed her hand on her son’s shoulder and drew him to her.

“Quiet son, this will not do.” Whyatt turned his eyes to the floor and stared intently at his sandaled feet.

Nixie looked up at her father and noticed that he had simply been staring at the scene before him with no apparent interest. That Whyatt guy had just stood there and insulted her and her father had said nothing. Why?

“Father,” He looked back at her with hazy eyes. “Father, are you alright?” Nixie’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Sure, my dear, I am perfectly fine” Nixie’s eyes narrowed as she noticed the slight stutter in his speech when he pronounced the ‘f’s’. “Now, as I was saying. The boy shall be locked up. Guards, you are to retrieve him from the Blackfish residence immediately.”

“What?!” Nixie’s voiced carried through the hall. The guards had barely moved when she shouted at them to stop.

“Father, you cannot have him locked up! He didn’t steal anything!” King Lars barely blinked an eye as his daughter mounted the dais and walked intently towards him. The guards bristled, unsure of whether or not to block the Princess’s path. “You will not have him locked up!”

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