Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I'm coming for you.

Those words played in my head like a broken record. I felt semantic satiation.

All the false security I felt earlier about me only possibly being next, left. This is real. I'm going to die.

'No, shut up. Don't think like that!' I scolded myself.

I turned toward Alex and I tried to speak, but no sound came out. What was wrong with me?

'Get the police!' I wanted to scream. 'He texted me. He's here. He's here in Washington. I'm next.'

I heard my phone go off again, breaking me free from my trance. As if my body had a mind of its own, I was kneeling down to the ground without a second to waste. I received a text from the same number. I picked up the phone and stood back up.

Let's play a game. Whoever you tell dies next.

"Ever, answer me," Alex pleaded.

Tell him, I dare you. Then it's time to say goodbye to your pretty boy.

In an instant I spun around, looking at my surroundings. He was here. He had to be. Was he watching me? Where? How did he know about Alex? My mind was plagued by questions, it was dizzying.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I nearly jumped 2 feet in the air. "Ever, tell me what's wrong." Alex's tone was stern and demanding. I wanted to pour my heart out to him.

'He's coming for me, Alex. He threatened to hurt you, he's going to kill you.'

'That is, if I tell you.' I couldn't. I wouldn't. I was not going to put his life in danger like that. Of course, my mind still played the devil's advocate. What if he hurts him anyways?

I'm so confused! What do I do?

I pushed myself onto Alex and hugged him as tight as I could. I couldn't bare the thought of losing him, of someone hurting him at my expense. In this moment, I basked in his presence. The feeling of his chest against mine. I could feel his heart, feel him breathing. He was alive. I wanted him no other way.

Death had never felt so real to me before. I've had grandparents pass away, but I was young and it was their time. They lived their lives, watched their children grow up and have kids of their own. They weren't children themselves when they passed away. They weren't in high school.

"Alex," I whispered, "I'm scared."

He rested his chin on my head and soothingly rubbed my back before holding me tighter. "I've got you, Ev. You're safe with me."

'But are you,' I wanted to ask, 'are you safe?'

We let go of each other and started heading towards the car. He rested his hand on my lower back as if to guide me. It made me feel protected, I loved it. My phone went off again, causing my heart rate to speed up instantly. I was anxious to check what he said. But what if Alex sees the message, too?

I had my arms hanging down by my sides and looked down at my phone, successfully away from Alex's line of sight. I turned on the screen and sure enough, it was from him.

Good girl.

The whole ride home I couldn't stop thinking about it. Changing my mind, making my mind, regretting it, accepting it. What am I thinking? How could I be so stupid? This would be great evidence.

Is it worth more people dying?

No. Absolutely not.

The police could take care of it, right? They could track him down before anybody else dies, right?

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