A. N.

4.5K 116 8

Hey guys! Just a heads up, this isn't a chapter. However, I finished writing one last night and am already working on another. Maybe I can post it later today or tomorrow!

I'm excited that I'm writing again! I didn't know people would actually like my story. I think the last time I checked it was at about 8,000 reads. Then when I came back I was astounded by the 25k!

I apologize that this isn't a chapter and you don't have to read this if you don't want, but there was just so much I wanted to say to you guys!

I've felt like a ghost on here these past few weeks. My computer would not let me write back or update or post. So, I got the app and that's where I'm writing now. I'm a much faster typer, but this will have to do for now.

All of your comments have encouraged me to keep writing. I LOVE hearing from you guys! I read all 166 comments I've received. All feedback is appreciated, good or bad!

I thoroughly enjoy reading your thoughts and predictions. Not gonna lie, they have given me great ideas that I may just use in upcoming chapters.

I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! (Whoa, that just gave me semantic satiation.)

If it weren't for you guys, I would have probably let this story fade away (so dramatic haha). Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me. I definitely needed the encouragement and push.

There have been many late nights I've stayed up writing the next chapter. I've been thinking about this story a lot. And lemme tell you, thinking about serial killers late at night while your roommate is out of town is scary.
I was lying in bed like, "Oh migosh, why is my closet door open?"

Anyways, so sorry for this rant. But you guys are incredible! Ah! Thank you! I really hope you guys enjoy the next chapter!


Me :P

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