Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Wait, Ever," Daniel called after me as I made my way down the stairs. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find Alex, that's what I'm doing."

"You can't just go looking for him by yourself!"

"I'm not, you're coming with me." I said as I put my phone to my ear, dialing Alex's number.

"Please leave your message for..." I ended the call when I was greeted by the answering machine.

"It went straight to voicemail." I walked past the living room and made my way into the kitchen, heading towards the laundry room. I tried not to pay any mind to the pizza boxes that were lying on the kitchen table. I wasn't going to acknowledge how hungry I was at the moment, food would have to wait.

I could hear Daniel walking behind me. "Okay, but what's your plan, Ever? Just walk around aimlessly until we find him?"

I turned around and faced Daniel. "I don't know, Danny. It's better than waiting around and hoping he shows up. I can't stand the thought of losing another friend. Of somebody else dying because of me!" I could feel my eyes starting to water, so I turned around and made my way into the laundry room.

I reached into my back pocket, pulling out my phone in a second attempt to dial Alex's number. Before I could reach the sliding door, it opened, almost startling me half to death, and Alex walked through. He was wearing his dark gray hoodie with the hood over his head. Multiple dark spots covered his sweatshirt, it must have started raining outside.

"Alex!" I walked up to him and put my arms over his shoulders, hugging him tightly. For a quick second I remembered I was supposed to be mad at him. But, who was I kidding, that was completely trivial at this point. Alex seemed a bit taken aback from my sudden affection. I was relieved to feel him reciprocate my hug. Him and I had never fought before, I didn't know what to expect.

"I'll leave you two alone," Daniel said and from behind me I could hear his footsteps fading away. Alex and I stayed hugging for a little while longer before I let go to look at his face. I wanted to try and read what he was thinking. But Alex was stoic as always.

"Why did you leave?" I asked.

He took the hood off his head and ran his hands through his messy hair. He pulled off the messy look well and every time he played with his hair, it added to his already high level of attractiveness. Though, the only reason Alex ever messed with his hair was when he was nervous or upset. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me with his eyebrows furrowed, making me weak in the knees.

"Can we talk?" He asked. My stomach dropped.

He doesn't want to be friends anymore. He wants a friend with a normal life. Not someone who can't have friends because all her friends die. Who, by the way, is bound to die next.

My mind went in overdrive, my head was spinning, my stomach turning. He was going to leave me for all the same reasons I was going to push him away. I didn't know which hurt worse, how I felt then when I had to push him away or how I feel now with him being so eager to drop me?

I nodded my head to avoid the risk of my voice breaking on me.

"Let's talk on the porch." I nodded my head again, not bothering to speak. I walked past him and opened the sliding door. The pitter patter sound of the rain hitting the ground became more prominent and the scent of petrichor subtly wafted in the air. Oh, how I loved that smell. It relaxed me, but given the circumstances, only a little bit.

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