Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"It was you!" My eyes widened as the realization set in. Luke looked back at me confused.

"What was me, love?"

"Ever, are you saying he's the one who stole the photo?" Alex asked me in a hushed tone.

"No, I mean, it was you who was there. That night! You were the cop that was dispatched to my home for the break in!"

I knew there was something familiar about him! Why didn't he say anything? Did he not remember?

"I was wondering when you were going to recognize me. Thought I might have not made that big of an impression on you." He softly chuckled, conspicuously amused at my sudden awareness.

"You knew the whole time? Why didn't you say anything? Why the secrecy?"

"It wasn't a matter of secrecy. They were two separate cases, it was irrelevant. Except, maybe now. You mentioned a photo book was stolen?"

"Yeah. We didn't realize until we began unpacking in our new home."

Luke paused for a moment before saying, "This obsession might have been going on for longer than we thought. But, the question is, why did he wait until now to start? What was stopping him before?" He surmised to himself. Pondering over the many possibilities.

I waited to see what he might be able to come up with. "What's your verdict?"

"It's too soon to say. Originally, I thought the break in was random. An unlucky burglar, perhaps. However, and this might be a bit far fetched, so hear me out on this, but if these two cases are connected, this person is a lot closer to you than you think. You know who he is."

"Yeah, Andrew."

He made a face, tilting his head from side to side indicating he was on the fence about it. "There's something off about that, in my professional opinion. Think of someone you know well. I strongly doubt you were buddies or had any sort of relationship with the school janitor." He paused. "Did you?"

"What? No!"

"Just had to be sure." Luke smirked.

"Okay, I'm going to ignore that and move on. But, I see where you were getting at about Andrew. Plus, how would he have known I had the necklace? It was given to me that night. Nobody would have known except for Hailey and a couple friends." Aaron knew you had it.  My intrusive thoughts caught me off guard. I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind. "But, that could explain why Andrew went for Hailey first. It was hers to begin with. She never took it off. So, Andrew would have seen her wearing it at one point or another and....-"

"You said the necklace was given to you that night?" Luke cut off my incessant rambling. I nodded my head. "Ever, tell me more about what happened that night? What can you remember? How was your..." his face lit up with a smile, "your bash?"

I nervously laughed as I held my head in my hand in shame. "Ugh! How do you still remember that?"

He laughed, entertained by my embarrassment. "You'd be surprised what all I can remember from that night."

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