Chapter 7 - Sometimes It Seems You Gain Less Than You Lose

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             “Please?” Niall said, looking up into Zayn’s eyes. Zayn nodded and drew in a shaky breath. Was this really what Niall wanted?

            “Are you sure?” Zayn asked, breathing out with an exasperated gasp.

            Niall giggled and nodded, “Yes, please, Zaynie,”

            Zayn nodded, knowing that he couldn’t deny his baby of anything. His hand shakily to the side of Niall’s face and moved them closer together. You could see their breath in the air, warm and puffy in the cold crisp atmosphere. Niall looked at Zayn like he was from the heavens, and really, Zayn hated it. He wasn’t amazing. In fact, he was selfish and terrible, really wrong. He shouldn’t be holding his brother so close like this. And he definitely, definitely shouldn’t be trying to kiss him. Yeah, that wasn’t something he would be doing if he was a gift from the heavens.

            “C’mon Zaynie!” Niall insisted with a smile.

            “Yeah, okay,” Zayn breathed, leaning in yet closer and rubbing his thumb along Niall’s soft cheek bones. His hand is shaky and leans in and yes, he is definitely going to hell. Their lips lock and Niall has no idea what to do, so he mimics Zayn’s movement. Niall’s lips are soft and beautiful and it’s so nice, and Zayn can’t help but to lick across his bottom lip. It’s short, but it’s enough, and Zayn forces himself to stop.

            “I liked that,” Niall smiles happily.

            Zayn just breaths out and lets himself sit there and hate himself a little longer. But then Niall’s stomach growls, and Zayn knows that he has really fucked up. Like, a lot.

            “Again,” Niall insists.

            Zayn shakes his head and knows that he cannot stay in this telephone booth forever, and he wants to sit down and cry, but he knows that this will only make Niall cry too, so he pushes aside the pain and stands up.

            “Where are you going?” Niall asked.

            “Maybe to find some food,” Zayn said.


            “Yes, bread or….” Zayn’s not even sure what he is thinking or planning in his head but he hates every outlook of the future. He pushes the door of the phone booth open, peaking his head out, into the cold, wet rain. The only source of light, bring the old restaurant, in which Zayn could still see a woman working, cleaning up after a long day’s work. He thought of maybe asking her, maybe offering to help her if she would only feed his little brother.

            He settled on just that and told Niall to stay where he was, which the blonde obeyed as Zayn raced towards the building, trying to keep out of the cold, stinging water. He knocked once, his body shaking from the cold nipping at his cold arms, having given Niall’s his jacket.

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