Chapter 8 - I Will Love You, Like I've Never Been Hurt

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             Four fourth five in the morning rolled around, as did Zayn. How could he sleep anyways? He didn’t even want to think about how horrible his life would end up after yesterday. he was so stupid, so foolish. He thought momentarily about just getting up and leaving. Leaving Niall there because he knew the blonde would be in good hands with Georgia, but could he really put that on her?

             And how could he leave Niall? He would never trust a single human being gain. He couldn’t do that to his baby brother. The little boy he watched over sense he was twelve years old, Niall the eleven year old brat he was expecting, but turns out, he was the furthest thing from it.

             Zayn stared at the ceiling and let his mind wonder back to the day he meet the small boy. He didn’t talk, from what his dad told him. That was back when he still had a strong bond with the now hated man.



             Twelve year old Zayn was a stubborn kid. He was rowdy and loud and he had a large number of friends. He was a trouble maker and frankly, he was a bully.


             And he made up his mind he was going to be just that to his new brother. His stupid brother he had to share a room with till they moved to the new house. Maura seemed kind, she was fairly reserved, but she was...nice. As for her son, Zayn hadn’t heard anything about.


             He figured he would be what you'd expect from any eleven year old. Probably obnoxious and way to annoying. Not that Zayn was any different?


             They stood at the doorstep of Maura's Ireland home, where she had laid her resent husband to rest on a few years before. The woman couldn’t live in the house any longer.


             Zayn was reluctant to go inside. He didn’t want to bother, didn’t want to deal with the kid tugging at him and asking him stupid questions. So he crossed arms and let out a loud, spoiled brat like huff.


             "Yaser!" Maura cheered, hugging her Fiancé and welcoming the two into her home. Zayn didn’t like it one bit. To drab, to dreary. There was nothing fun for him to do and he could see that from here. "Where is it." His dad said in a hushed tone, glancing down at his son. "In his room, as always." The woman groaned and Zayn wondered who they were speaking of. "Lovely." His dad mocked.


             "Son, why don’t you go upstairs and meet your new brother? Bet you'll find he’s a really joy." The man laughed in a sarcastic way and Zayn suddenly didn’t like the way his father was speaking. Scared him.


             Who cocked an eyebrow and headed for the stairs where he climbed up them, making his way down the hallway till he was met with a door, a squiggly, messy drawing that looked like it was done by a five year old. The name "Niall' readable if you squinted.


             He sighed and grabbed the door knob, twisting it slowly as he pushed the door open. The room was dark, the windows probably covered when he stepped inside. A small light aluminate the wall and he noticed quiet sounds of a cartoon and bits of laughter. It was a small, scared voice. Like he was trying not to giggle loud.

Like I'm Indestructible│Ziall Horlik AU *Trilogy*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora