Chapter 9 - All That's Dead And Gone And Past Tonight

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            The two of them snuck back into the house, the house that had started to feel like such a cage, a fucking cage. It was late and kind of dark, and Zayn was shaking with nerves. He knew that this had to be quiet and quick. So he did as he needed to, gathering the things he needed quickly and making sure that Niall stayed quiet.


            “Shh,” Zayn hushed his little brother, walking towards his side table and grabbing the small box that contained his money. He put the money into the small bag he grabbed, and then headed to grab a few sets of clothes from the dresser.

            Suddenly there was a loud noise from somewhere in the house, and Niall let out a whimper, his eyes closing as he clenched his fists. He didn’t want his dad to come back. He didn’t want to see him ever again. What he did hurt, it hurt so bad, so bad. Niall didn’t know  what it meant, or why it hurt like it did, but he hated. He never wanted it again. Zayn ran to his side and held Niall tight, slipping a hand over his mouth and moving them to the corner of the room. Once there was a hole minute without another noise, Zayn released Niall and continued packing. When he was finished, he grabbed his keys.

            “Ready, charming?” Zayn asked. He was ready to leave this place. He was ready to never come back here again.

            “No!” Niall protested, “Our paintings,”

            Zayn stopped, and looked up to the walls. They were covered with the paintings still, and Zayn hadn’t even though about it. What about all the memories they had made in this place? The paintings? What about all the first times they had here?


            “NO!” Zayn screamed. Niall sobbed in the corner, and Zayn jumped in front of him. Instead of pushing Zayn aside, like normal and going for the poor blonde, their father held Zayn close and breathed on him, his breath smelling so much of alcohol that he wanted to pass out. His father was angry, so angry looking, and Zayn didn’t even feel like he recognized this man at all. Suddenly, his father was tearing off his clothes and pinning him to the floor. Up until this point, their father hadn’t touched Zayn in that way, but now, his plans were obvious. Niall screamed, because he could tell that Zayn was scared and that he didn’t want it.

            “Don’t hurt him!” Niall screamed.

            “It’s okay,” Zayn tried to comfort him. But then their father thrust into him and Zayn screamed out, pain overtaking him and making his head slam against the floor.


            “Shut up, retard,” Their father spat.


*End flashback*

            It was the worst night of Zayn’s life. Or, one of them at least. After their father had left, Zayn had tried to make sure Niall thought he was alright, even though he wasn’t. That night they painted for ten hours straight, and Niall giggled the whole time, even though Zayn was on the verge of crying the whole time. Finally they got to bed though, and Zayn knew that he had to stay strong.

            But now, it seemed like leaving those paintings behind would make things worse. Zayn, in all honesty, wanted to remember. He wanted to remember what he and Niall had overcome. So, he hopped onto his bed and began pulling the paintings down and putting them in the bag one at a time, smiling upon each of them with another memory.

            “Is this better?” Zayn asked.

            Niall nodded and walked over to his brother, “Can you put your lips on mine again?” He asked out of the blue. Zayn froze and shook his head.

            “Not now,”

            “But…but Zaynie…”

            “Niall,” Zayn scolded in a quiet whisper. Niall’s face contorted and tears welled in his eyes. It was obvious that he was about to cry and Zayn couldn’t take that right now. They couldn’t make any noise. None. “Be quiet,”

            Niall whimpered again and then burst into tears. Shit. Zayn grabbed the bag and his keys, sprinting out of the room and down the steps, out the door. He could hear someone following them, but he couldn’t look back. He didn’t want to see his dad’s eyes. They made it to the car, and as soon as Niall and Zayn were in, he locked the doors and pulled out of the driveway before anything else could happen. Niall was still crying but Zayn had to ignore it for now. Ignore it until they got far enough away. Far enough away so their father couldn’t find them.

            Ever again.


HEHE. It's so sad but so good. -PandaBear<3

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