Chapter 14 - I Had A Feeling That I Belonged

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That night, Zayn bathed Niall shamelessly. He didn’t have to keep looking behind him for his dad, didn’t have to tell Niall to quiet down with his splashing. He only watched as his brother played in the water, giggling when Zayn covered him in bubbles, or made a beard on him.

Niall begun to tucker out and Zayn washed his hair, lifting him out of the bath and wrapping a towel around him before carrying him out of the bathroom, down the hall (Past Georgia’s room, which was closed with the light off) and into the bedroom they would now share.

Zayn set Niall down, giggling when the blonde complained he was cold, of course he always did that. "Lotion?" Zayn asked, rummaging through his bag and grabbing the Cream prescribed for Niall’s wounds and a bottle of Lotion to keep his skin smooth.

Niall nodded and pushed the towel away. He loved when Zayn put lotion on him, it made him tingly.

Zayn squirted the cool liquid on his hands and reached down, rubbing Niall’s stomach in the soft cream. Niall giggled at the sensation and squirmed, making Zayn smile. Niall liked when his Zaynie smiled.

The Pakistani boy continued to lather Niall in lotion, from head to toe, even is round, soft bum. He had to apply the cream now, twisting fingers inside of Niall as he nibbled at his lip. Niall liked the sensation, but it felt wrong. It always felt good...and he knew he shouldn’t think that way, but he liked Zaynie and he made him feel good.

"Sleep now?" Niall rasped out as Zayn pulled his fingers away, whipping his hands on Niall’s towel and pushing it off the bed. "Yes, sleep now." Zayn stripped down to his boxers and pulled the blankets back. "C'mon, babe." He held open his arms, letting Niall crawl into them, burying himself there.

Niall was so warm, and melt like apples. He fit in Zayn’s arms perfectly, like a puzzle piece. They were perfect together.

Zayn tangled their bodies together and let Niall wrap long legs around his waist. The smaller sighed in content and nuzzled against Zayn’s Neck, kissing him there small-y. Zayn liked Niall’s kisses.

"I love you, Ni," Zayn told him, holding him tighter. "I love you too." Niall giggled, falling into darkness and sleep.


Zayn woke to soft lips on his cheek, kissing him lightly. It was Niall, kissing him awake just like Zayn had always pictured him doing. "Good morning Charming." Zayn smiled sleepily, the sun just beginning to breathe through the curtains.

Niall hummed, nuzzling in closer to Zayn, his head rested on the blondes head. Niall yawned and turned over in Zayn’s arms, pressing his back to Zayn’s chest. "Sing." Niall insisted, his voice soft and grumpy. "What do you want to hear?" He asked.

Niall didn’t say anything and Zayn sighed, thinking of a song in is head. What would Niall want to hear this early in the morning? How was he even awake?

Zayn shrugged anyways, singing against the back of Niall’s neck slowly.

"You got a fast car

I want a ticket to anywhere

Maybe we make a deal

Maybe together we can get somewhere

Any place is better

Starting from zero got nothing to lose

Maybe we'll make something

But me myself I got nothing to prove.


You got a fast car

And I got a plan to get us out of here

I been working at the convenience store

Managed to save just a little bit of money

We won't have to drive too far

Just 'cross the border and into the city

You and I can both get jobs

And finally see what it means to be living."

Zayn yawned again, nuzzling at the back of Niall’s neck. He sat up then, kissing the sleeping blonde's cheek, fluffing his messy hair before dragging himself out of bed and slipign into some sweats. He then stalked out of the room, not before taking another glance at Niall who slept soundly. He walked to teh kitchen where he heard Georgia moving around, cursing at herself.

"Morning, Georgia." He rubbed his eyes, yawning. "Good morning Zayn, how did you sleep?" She questioned, stirring some scrambled eggs. "Better than I have in years. I think Niall really likes the bed, he hasn’t slept this soundly in a while." Zayn shrugged, taking a seat at teh table, where Giorgia set down a cup of tea in front of him.

"Will he be up in time for breakfast?" She asked, flipping the bacon, which was nearly done. "Should be...he doesn’t sleep if I'm not in the bed, so he should be up any minute." Zayn smiled, taking a sip.

As if on cue, Niall came marching out, his eyes puffy and hair wild. "Charming, you could have put some clothes on." Zayn pointed out.

Niall hopped on his lap in nothing but boxers, leaning his head against Zayn’s neck. "No." He demanded and Zayn couldn’t tell him otherwise, could he?

"Good morning, Niall." The dark haired girl smiled, rustling his soft hair. He fussed her hand away and Zayn laughed. "He’s not a morning person, bit of a grouch when he wakes up. He'll loosen up in a bit, you just have to keep bugging him." He told her.

Georgia laughed and served their food (putting it on the same plate as Niall insisted today) and sat down across from them, eating her own food. "So, we have to be down in a few minutes to open, I can start showing you the ropes? Niall can help too, if he wants, he was really good at making pizza." She poked, making Niall giggle.

"Sounds good. What do you think, Charming? Want to go to work with Georgia today?"

Niall’s eyes lit up and he nodded, jumping off Zayn’s lap and running to their room, more than likely throwing on clothes. Zayn finished up and stood up. "I should probably go help him." He rolled his eyes, laughing.

Today? Today was a new start.

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