Chapter 11

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The creature standing in front of her looked insubstantial to say the least, like a humanoid cloud of smoke with glistening black fangs and hollow gaps in its face for eyes. It stood at least seven feet tall, and it floated towards her, passing through the leaves like a breath of wind. Ella wracked her terrified brain for answers, trying desperately to remember the little she'd heard about these... Fallenfolk? Shadowfolk? She couldn't think clearly, she could feel the blood draining from her face.

All she could see was those hollow black eyes, penetrating her own and digging deep down into her soul. The creature stopped, a malicious smile deepening on its lips. It's smoke like arms reached out towards her, becoming more solid until its face was mere inches from her own. She could feel the coolness of its breath on her face, and something deep inside her itched to run away, but she couldn't move. She stood transfixed by those black orbs, not even wincing as it placed it's eerily smooth fingers on either side of her face. Her scream finally died out on her lips, still parted in an 'o'.

They creature stroked her face with its fingers, oddly gentle despite the ragged claws that were attached to them.

“Now now, what do we have here?” it said without moving it's lips. It's voice was mangled and raspy, like a chain smoker with a bad cough.

Ella couldn't answer, all she could do was stare back, unblinking.

“A Wildfolk for sure, but what kind? I don't think I can turn you. Oh well, I can still have fun,” at that its smile broke, it barred its fangs and let out an ear piercing shriek.

Yellow tinted saliva dripped from its mouth, and it arched its fingers, pressing its claws into Ella's cheeks. It raked them downward, tearing through her flesh in one swift motion. The creature gave her a hard shove and she toppled to the ground. Suddenly, her limbs sprung to life and she scrambled to her feet. She ran barefoot through the forest, not knowing which way to go, other than simply away. She flew across the forest floor faster than she'd ever ran before, searching for some sort of refuge. At this point, even running into Travis would be a welcome relief.

She ran and ran until she was sure her lungs would give out. She slowed to a walk once she reached a clearing, bending over and gasping for air as she clutched her side. She could feel the warm tendrils of her own blood creep down her neck, and to her horror, watched as it dripped onto the forest floor at an alarming rate. She forced herself to stand up straight, and she glanced over her shoulder to see if the Shadowfolk was still behind her. She couldn't see anyone in the trees, and the clearing was full of sunlight. She let out a deep sigh and turned around to continue further into the forest.

The creature was right in front of her.

“Boo,” it whispered, its raspy voice tingling her ears like a gust of wind.

She let out another scream and scrambled to run in the opposite direction, but the thing latched onto her arm, digging its nails deep into her skin. It wrenched her backwards, and she swore she heard arm crack. A hot slice of pain ripped through her arm, followed by a dull but constant throbbing. She collapsed to her knees, only held up by the firm grip the creature had on her arm.

“Thought you'd be safe out in the sun, child? Foolish creature,” it cackled, pressing her arm even further backward until it let out another gut-wrenching crack.

“Please,” she begged, unable to say anything more.

“Please? Please show me mercy, please set me free,” the creature mimicked, sounding identical to Ella's plea, “Pathetic. For that, I'll make your death even more painful.”

Its grip on her arm tightened further, and Ella was sure it would rip her arm right off this time. Suddenly, it's hold on her slackened, and then it let go all together. Ella toppled over to the ground, heaving and crying from the pain. Using her good arm to roll herself over, she faced the Shadowfolk. Her vision began to cloud, blackening at the edges. She blinked furiously to ward it off, but it was no use. From the corner of her eye, she saw they were no longer alone in the clearing. A hooded figure was standing tall at the clearing's edge, bow and arrow pulled taught in his hands. The Shadowfolk let out a hiss, and quickly advanced on the new threat.

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