Chapter 21

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Ella quickly learned that the Forestfolk's idea of a feast was unlike any sort of 'feast' she'd attended in her life. Quickly escorted out of the council chamber by Robus, she'd immediately been thrust into the heart of the Forestfolk kingdom. The street was bustling with activity, everywhere she looked there was something to eat or someone performing tricks to amuse the crowd.

The trees here were the tallest and widest trees she'd ever laid eyes on, the interiors carved out to create homes. Chains of glowstone, similar to Christmas lights, were strung up through the branches. Jars of lightening bugs hung above her head like lanterns and huge bonfires lined the street, warding off the impending darkness.

The Forestfolk themselves were dressed rather plainly, even the performers were in simple leathers and rough tan cloth. A man juggling acorns ran past me, a trail of hollering Forestfolk children right on his heels. Somewhere nearby a group of musicians had begun to play an upbeat tune, and the Forestfolk began to dance.

“You look a little lost, fish,” Nix grinned, emerging from the crowd.

“Why do you call me fish? You know what I am now,” she said.

“I like how it drives you crazy,” he smirked, “Hungry?”

Ella was about to say no when her stomach gurgled loudly and gave her away. Laughing, Nix leaned over and plucked two plates off food from the nearest stall. He gestured for Ella to follow him down a sort of alleyway, away from the dancing Forestfolk. He pushed together three crates like a makeshift table, and then pulled a bottle of wine out from his cloak.

“Look, a dining table fit for the Keeper,” he said, patting one of the crates.

Ella sat down on the rough crate, trying her best not to get a sliver. The food on the plate in front of her looked delicious, and even somewhat similar to the human food she was used to eating. Roasted chicken and large pile of potatoes slathered in butter. Too hungry to bother with manners, she began shoving the food in her face.

“Whoa there, don't choke or something. Do you know how bad it would look on me if the Keeper choked and died in my presence? I would be grounded until I was fifty,” he snorted, popping the top off the wine bottle.

“How old are you? Even I don't get grounded anymore,” she rolled her eyes.

“I'm sixteen, and a prude like you probably couldn't pull her nose out of a book long enough to get in trouble in the first place,” Nix snorted.

Ella blushed, Nix was right. She'd never actually been grounded before.

“Want some?” He held up the wine bottle.

“I don't drink,” she said, stabbing at her chicken.

“Oh please, that's what someone says when they've never been drunk before. Don't worry about it, Forestfolk younger than you get drunk at parties like this. It's practically expected,” he took a big swig of the wine.

Glaring at Nix, she snatched the bottle from his hands and took a big drink of the bitter liquid. Choking it back, she fought not to spit the whole thing up. She'd sipped some of Tracy's wine at Christmas in the past, but it had never been as strong as this!

“I probably should have warned you it's a lot stronger than human wine. It has to be, I mean look at the size of us!” Nix laughed.

“Yeah, you should have,” she growled.

“So, where's your little guardian? He really isn't very good at the whole never leaving your side thing,” Nix smiled, knowing he was hitting a nerve.

Ignoring his question, Ella asked, “Are you going to compete for being my guardian?”

“Hell no,” Nix snorted, chugging back more wine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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