Chapter 14

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“Are you sure being out in the open is such a great idea?” Ella asked nervously.

“Of course it's a good idea. The beach is the only place Carter can be part of the peanut gallery,” Landon grumbled, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Hey! I offer intelligent and thoughtful advice! Need I remind you I'm two years your senior!” shouted Carter.

Landon had returned to the lake to pick up somethings they would need for training- weapons, dummies, armour, and a stack of books that looked like they were for elementary aged kids. Carter had gotten word of what Landon and Ella were up to, so naturally he found this more important than his royal duties, and decided to blow them off to watch Ella flail around with a blade uselessly all day. Currently he was seated on an pink blow-up chair he'd found, drinking a can of coke he'd stolen from Ella's cooler and wearing her aunt's aviator sunglasses.

In other words, he was the most douchey looking fish boy Ella had ever laid eyes on.

In front of her, Landon was rummaging through the pile of stuff he'd brought with him. He pulled out what looked like an armoured chest plate, frowned, and picked up a lighter looking one made of leather instead. He held it out towards Ella, and she held out her arms so he could put it over her head. His fingers brushed her back as he did up the straps, and Ella let out an involuntary shiver.

“Here. Normally you won't be wearing full armour, but you should wear it during training. I'll try my best not to wound you, but I think it's a good idea all your vital organs are covered just in case,” Landon chuckled.

“Wow, how very thoughtful of you,” Ella said, rolling her eyes. She tried her best not to notice how soft and gentle his fingers were on her arm as he laced up her wrist guards.

He took a step back, admiring his handy work. He gave Ella a thumbs up and retreated back to the pile of weapons.

“You should really start with hand-to-hand combat. Highly unlikely that she'll be carrying a full set of weapons on her, especially when she's out in the human world,” Carter said, loudly slurping his coke.

“I was hoping nothing would attack her in the human world, considering how unlikely it is that she's going back,” Landon grumbled, setting down the knives he'd been fingering eagerly.

“Not going back?” Ella gasped.

“Told you she doesn't want to stay here. She's still loyal to the humans,” nodded Carter.

“She is standing right here! I'm not running away from home to live with you guys! Besides, I couldn't do it without arising suspicion from my aunt or the other Mortalis poking around here. Or are you guys forgetting I personally met Travis Campbell?” she huffed.

The boys both paused for a moment, considering what she said.

“Looks like I'm enrolling in human school come fall,” shrugged Landon like it was nothing.

“You're leaving the water?” Carter sat up in his chair, can of coke forgotten.

“I follow my charge, no matter where she goes. That's what I promised,” Landon said gruffly.

Carter flopped back in his chair, grumbling what sounded like cuss words under his breath. Ella could feel the heat of his gaze, and she could feel the blush rise to her cheeks. She was sure he was blaming her for the possible loss of his best friend, even though their friendship seemed to be more confrontational than buddy-buddy lately.

“Can we just start? We have the whole summer to worry about this,” Ella sighed.

“Yeah, here. First I'm going to teach you how to throw a decent punch. Curl your fist like this- make sure not to tuck your thumb in, there, just like that. Now pull your arm back, and give a good swing at the dummy,” Landon instructed.

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