Chapter 17

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At first Ella was too stunned to move. She just floated there limply while Carter gave her what was probably a very good kiss, but she was incapable of kissing back. Hell, she didn't even know how to kiss back even if she could get her lips to move!

Finally noticing her lack of response, Carter pulled away. Instead of looked dejected or hurt like Ella thought her should, a cocky grin was plastered to his face. It was as if he thought that little display had rid her of all her anger, and righted all he'd done wrong. Ella would like to think she'd remained unaffected, but the truth of it was, he'd stunned her into silence.

“You know, I really can't remember a kiss as good as that one was,” Carter said with a roll of his eyes.

“Well maybe I wasn't kissing you back,” she growled.

“Oh don't overreact, it was just a kiss. Not like we haven't done it before,” he sighed.

Just as Ella was about to say something else, Master Swell and Landon came bursting through the door. Master Swell's face was contorted into an expression of pure confusion and bewilderment, a look that made Ella's stomach do a flip. Didn't he have all the answers?
As if he could sense her anxiety, Landon moved closer to her and took her hand in his. Master Swell paced back and forth through what she assumed must be his office, raking his fingers through his hair as he went. Very suddenly he turned on her, his eyes narrowed.

“Tell me Ella, what did you see?”

“I... Well this jet of water blew me into the pillar of flame, and once I was inside, this serpent made of blue flame appeared,” she stuttered.

“Did it say anything to you?” Master Swell pried.

“Yes... It told me I was the Keeper. The Keeper of the Relics.”

Master Swells eyes widened, and then a look of understanding settled over his face.

“I'm going to tell you something, rather, I'm going to tell you a bit of a prophecy. It's been warped and mangled over the thousands of years since it's original telling, but the fundamental facts are the same. Do you remember me telling you that all Wildfolk kingdoms have a relic that summons a creature?” Master Swell asked, and Ella nodded eagerly.

“Well, not just any Wildfolk has the power to summon those creatures. Yes, they are our protectors and gods if you will, but they are not inclined to help us whenever we ask. They may hear our prayers and grant small miracles, but there is a very small chance that they will do anything on a large scale. No, according to legend they only listen to one person; and that person is the Keeper,” Master Swell sunk into his desk chair, suddenly looking quite ancient. Ella had to wonder just how old he really was.

“So all these creatures these relics summon, are they real?” Ella asked quietly.

“Maybe thousands of years ago,” Carter snorted.

Master Swell glanced at Carter reproachfully, “Thousands of years ago, we lived in dark times. Long before the Mortalis were created, humans were very aware of our existence. They were jealous of our beauty, jealous of our power. Many young Waterfolk girls were snatched from the water with nets and sold off as wives. Many of the men were killed and set upon mantels as trophies. We were slowly becoming extinct, as was with the other Wildfolk. Realizing that we needed help, one man set out to find the powerful creatures of myth, and bind them to our will.”

“Wait,” Ella held up a hand, “So you mean to say they were wild at some point? Why on earth would beasts as powerful as you claim them to be help you?”

Master Swells eyes lit up and twinkled with knowing, “Significant is the man who recognizes his own insignificance; well thought Ella. You see, this was no regular man, no, he was the first of his kind. He was the first ever quarter-blood. With the numbers within there own kingdoms waning, many Wildfolk found themselves having mixed relationships and producing half bloods. It was not a natural thing to do, and the children of such relationships were nothing more than weakened half-copies of their parents. They didn't survive long, as humans took a particular interest in these 'rare specimens'. So when a Wildfolk with each of the species blood running through his veins was finally born, people weren't quite sure what to make of it.”

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