Chapter 1

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Nicole could hear the rain hitting off of the window pane. 

 On any other night the sound of it usually soothed her nerves, but not tonight. Tonight it only added to the anxiety which was slowly growing in her chest. She wondered how long she had been laying there in the dark with only the rain and her chaotic thoughts. It felt like hours.

With a soft curse she silently crawled out of bed. Using what little light there was she made her way over to the window. The sound of the rain pounding against the side of the house was beginning to grow louder by the minute. The storm, not unlike the racing of her heart, was growing stronger and beginning to lose control.

With a shudder Nicole turned to look towards the bed, where she could just make out her boyfriend, Edward, who was sound asleep. She could tell he was lying on his back, but it was too dark to make out the slow movements of his chest when he breathed. He slept so soundly, so peaceful, so unaware of what horrible news she had received earlier.

The day had been going so well until she had decided to go and check the mail. Such a simple task really. One that shouldn't be the cause of ones life to be completely turned upside down, and usually it isn't.

This time however, it was different. This time, when Nicole pulled out their mail from the box, she noticed a letter sticking out from amongst the coupons and the ads.

Looking back on it she wished she had never opened that letter. She should have just thrown it away with all of the other junk mail. It's too late now though, she had opened it, read it, and now she knew what she had to do.

Watching Edward sleep she started thinking back on everything they had been through. All the failures, all the triumphs they had shared, all the deaths and births they had seen each other through. There had been so much pain in such a short amount of time. The strength of their bond has never ceased to amaze her.

In their relationship, it was mainly Edward who was always the strong one, the one to hold things together. Nicole didn't know how she would have made it through the past few years without him. He had never left her side. She loved him so much.

However, it was because of that love that Nicole realized she would protect him from what was to come. She knew he would stay with her through this, but she was afraid. She knew that in leaving him she will be leaving a part of herself behind. It hurt so much to even consider leaving - but if she stayed, knowing what could possibly happen to him, would surely destroy her.

Walking out to the kitchen she reached over to turn the light on under the microwave. Its pale glow lit up just enough of the room that, when she got into the drawer by the fridge, she could just make out the end of the envelope. It looked so innocent lying in the drawer.

The envelope was addressed to her in very precise block letters. The only part of the envelope that caused Nicole to raise an eyebrow had been the lack of a return address. Even the few lonely lines carefully typed on the crisp white sheet of paper had, at a glance, no real effect. But those lines, once read, had revealed a terrifying truth:

*** He whom you crossed and helped put away. Has now been let out and wants to play. You won't know when or even how, but sleep light little angel, he's coming for you now... ***

Someone knew about her past, knew about how she had helped to put a very horrible person away in prison. That same someone had also been kind enough to send a cutout article along with their lovely little poem to help squash any hopes she had that this was just a joke. 

 For Scott Darnell, the man she had helped police put behind bars many years ago, was a man made of nightmares.

A chill ran down her spine as she reread the eloquent message. Normally she would have enjoyed a well written poem, but under the circumstances, she was finding it hard to see anything to smile about concerning this rhyme.

Nicole was startled when she heard movement behind her and she quickly dropped the letter back into the drawer. Turning around she found Edward boyishly rubbing his eyes by the bedroom door.

"What are you doing up honey? It's almost twelve o'clock in the morning." Edward mumbled as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Just getting some water and glancing through some of the coupons we got earlier today." Reaching up into the cabinet to get a glass Nicole quietly closed the drawer. "I was trying to be quiet. I hope I didn't wake you."

"Coupons?" Edward yawned and reached up to run a hand through his disheveled hair. "Can't that wait until morning?"

"I suppose. You know how I am though when I have errands to do the next day. But you're right; it can all wait till morning." With a chuckle Nicole finishes filling up her glass and leans over to turn off the light, instantly plunging them into darkness. Cautiously making her way over to the bedroom Nicole found Edward had also walked back towards the bedroom and was standing in the doorway waiting for her.

"Are you okay, darling?" Edward asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "You've seemed a little on edge all night. Is something bothering you?"

"No, I'm ok sweetheart. Just a little tired I think and stressed out about all the extra work my boss has been piling on me."

"Are you sure? Cause if something's bothering you; you know you can tell me."

"I know honey, but everything is fine." Nicole titled her head up to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Let's go back to bed."

"Ok sweetheart."

Nicole knew that with Edward's line of work, his detectives mind was telling him that something was wrong. She also knew that he would let it drop for the simple fact that she had told him everything was fine - for now at least.

That wouldn't last for long. Soon enough Edward would want to talk about this and find out what's really going on. By then however, Nicole would have already left. Tonight though she would stay close by him, for one last night, and pretend that that letter had been nothing more than a bad dream.

"I love you Edward" Nicole whispers as she lies down beside him.

"I love you too babe" Edward answers back as he wraps his arm around her, pulling her close. Within seconds he's fast asleep, his head buried in the back of her neck. Nicole memorizes the feel of him against her, the way his breath feels caressing the back of her neck and the weight of his arm across her.

She knew these were memories she would call upon to comfort her in the days to come. Knowledge that he was safe at home would help to give her peace. Then with a sigh and a silent prayer that the morning would never come, Nicole finally drifted off to sleep.

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