Chapter 4

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* Nicole's memories from the night things went wrong...

Nicole was so in love with Scott. Everything about him excited her, and the more she was around him the more she envisioned a long and happy life together. This night was like any other summer night with Scott as they ate their dinner out on the back patio. Realizing they were out of wine, Nicole offered to head down to the cellar to get some more.

Scott had paused for a moment, and she remembered how intently he had looked at her before nodding, yes. His blue eyes held an excited gleam to them that, as she only realized later, should have been a warning something wasn't right. Not thinking anything of it of course, she had sauntered over, planted a kiss on his cheek, and headed for the wine.

The cellar had been so dark, that even when she turned on the light it only illuminated part of the room. Heading towards the wine Nicole hummed softly to herself. She had been so lost in her musing that she almost missed the soft moaning coming from the far end of the cellar. Listening closely she abandoned her browsing of the wine and cautiously walked over towards the noise.

Squinting into the dark she was about to conclude that she must have just been hearing things when it came again. Remembering that she had her phone in her back pocket she pulled it out and pressed the side button to immediately light up the corner of the room. She gasped and stood there for a while in utter shock. She blinked repeatedly while trying to rein in her scattered thoughts and then finally realized what she was actually looking at.

There against the wall, was a battered young woman. She was gagged and chained to the wall, her arms held high above her head leaving her toes to just barely touch the ground. Putting her hand to her mouth Nicole walked further towards the woman. The girls eyes looked pleading and grew wide as she gave forth a low moan.

The memories from that point become jumbled and fragmented. Nicole remembered seeing blood stains along the walls and the ground, and knew it was from more than just this girl. There was a table shoved under the stairs with hooks and knives on it. She remembered the knives' very distinct glare when she shined the light from her phone in their direction. The next thing Nicole remembered from that night was quietly promising to get help, and running faster than she ever thought she could up the stairs. Then everything went black.

The cause of this memory lapse was from having her head grabbed at the top of the stairs and slammed into the wall. She assumed it had been hours before she finally woke up and found herself laying in their room, looking up at Scott... much like she was now. Then though, he had not done anything to stop her from screaming. Oh, how she had screamed! It had been her screams, in the end, that saved both her and the battered woman in the cellar. Their neighbors were asleep when she sounded the alarm, and like the good neighbors they were, they immediately realized something was wrong and called the police.

Scott didn't realize just how much her screams carried, so he allowed her to continue. He showed his pure pleasure at her reactions with every gesture he made. She screamed and pleaded for him to release her. Yet with every sharp pinch, every blood drawing bite, and every neck bending yank of her hair, she only screamed louder. Then, just as she was growing hoarse from all of her cries, she started again as she watched him pull a knife from the nightstand drawer. He leaned over her then, roughly smashing his lips into hers. Biting at her lower lip he moaned. Then he began to bite a trail down her throat only stopping to nuzzle his head right into the curve of her neck, and whisper how much she meant to him. He was still whispering loving words to her as she felt the blade of his knife slice into her side. The instant and sudden pain was blinding.

By the time the cops broke down the door and got to them, she was badly bruised and bleeding from several shallow stab wounds to her abdomen. She doesn't really remember much from that point until she had awoken in the hospital. From there it was a circus of reporters, cops, and lawyers. Lawyers who had promised her Scott would be put away for life - possibly even given the death penalty - and that once he was found guilty she would be safe. Yet twenty years later, her nightmare had come back to haunt her...


Hey everyone! Thank you all for reading my newest chapter of "The Letter"... Hope you all liked it...xo


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