Chapter 22

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Hey guys! So I know it's been sooooo long since I last uploaded and I sincerely apologize for that. I'm really sorry!

Here's a quick recap of what has happened:

-Arianna found out that her mom might be alive 

-Zane (Arianna's friend) was, and still is kidnapped 

-Alpha Drew (Arianna's mate) is trying to find Zane and believes that if his pack is in danger, he might have to sacrifice trying to find Arianna's mom and kill anyone who is part of this rogue team. 

-Arianna is mad that Drew is willing to risk her mom's life, but she hasn't told him that she knows about his plan.

Alright people, enjoy the chapter! And don't forget to comment/vote/fan!(:


I plastered my face against the window, watching all the guards go by on patrol. Since Zane had been kidnapped, all the security was amped up, with little room for any more freedom. Along with the security, I hardly ever saw Drew anymore. He was always so busy trying to keep the pack safe, not that it mattered. After hearing his ultimatum about sacrificing my mom if needed, I couldn't bear the thought of even talking to him. I felt jolts of pain from my palms, and relaxed my tense fists.

Heaving a sigh, I pulled myself away from the windows and decided to get something to eat. All this stress wasn't good for my body, and starving myself wasn't going to help. I walked out of my room and towards the stairs, hearing other pack members chatting downstairs. Slowly, I descended.

For some reason unknown to me, I felt nervous. I didn't want to face them, to see their accusing stares. After all, it was all my fault that this was happening. My mother was the one who died, and my friend was the one who got kidnapped because of me. I was the sole reason this pack was in trouble. Gulping, I continued down the stairs quietly. Reaching the bottom, I ducked my head down and went into the kitchen. I could feel the stares of all the pack members on me. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea coming down here.

"What are you doing down here?" I heard a shrill voice exclaim. Immediately, my mind registered it as the all too famous Dana.

"Why are you even putting us through all this shit? Do you even understand what you're doing? Some Luna you are, putting us all in danger and locking yourself up in your room while we danger our lives trying to protect you," She sneered, glaring at me with such hate that I could feel her eyes slicing at me.

My stomach heaved in pain. I felt so nauseous that it was unbearable. The guilt of everything was eating me alive. How could I put everyone through this?

Blinking back tears, I ducked my head down in defeat.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, before bolting back up the stairs and away from everyone's judging stares.

Locking my door, I collapsed onto the bed. I needed to do something before anyone else could get hurt.

No, I can't do this anymore, I thought. It was time for me to start figuring things out so that I could save this pack from being ruined by some killer.

A sudden idea popped into my head. Running to my mother's room, I dropped to my knees in front of the bedside drawer and opened it. Fiddling around, my fingers grasped a frayed book, bound with leather and a large brass knuckle. I pulled it out, and held it in both of my hands. Carefully, I traced the letters of my mother's name that was stitched into the leather, each glowing as I did so. The buckle clicked, and I pulled it apart, opening the book.

I had found this years ago when I'd been snooping around in my parents' room. At first, I was absolutely clueless on how to open it, until my mom told me that tracing over the letters is how the lock unbuckled. However, that was as far as we got in the book, because after it opened, my mom told me she would show me when I was old enough to.

I guess it was finally time to see what was inside this book, and hopefully, it would help me get closer to my mom.

I flipped open to the first page. Inside, scribbled in sharp, swift curves were notes my mother had written. They all dated back to a few years after I was born. I noticed that the writing was hastily written and deep, almost as if my mom had written quickly and angrily, the marks of her letters pressing deep into the paper. But what was it that she was so angry about?

I clutched the book in my palms and rested it onto my lap. My eyes skimmed over all the words quickly, trying to absorb as much of my mother's thoughts.

As I neared the end of the book, a passage caught my eye.

December 12, 1996

I tried my best to follow the bastard into the forest. He took an old, rocky path towards the underbrush. I saw him open a latch that was hidden underneath a pile of leaves and dirt and climb inside. I wanted to sneak further and see where he'd gone, but I knew it would be too dangerous. Instead, I just retracted back, and memorized the address. I knew it had to be where they were staying. The location was very remote, far from any public roads. The nearest road was Blue Ridge lane, in the forest adjacent to it. I left scratched markings into the trees near it so that I could find my way back again, to finally expose them. The marks were subtle enough to not be noticed by any of the men, but I would still be able to see them. I would finally get those bastards. I know where they are, and they won't be safe for long.

I turned to the next page, but it was blank. So were the rest of them. Shaking my head, I flipped back over to the passage. Blueridge Lane was a quarter of a mile away from the pack house. I'd been over there a few times, when I wanted to get a quick run in before anyone could notice. I never went into the forest adjacent to it though, I always stayed on the left side of the road, in pack territory. The opposite side was free land.

I shut the book abruptly and placed it back into the drawer. A defiant smirk appeared on my face. I knew what I had to do. No longer would I be the defenseless little luna that would put my pack in danger. Hell no. I was going to save this pack, even if it meant risking my life. Mom would be proud.


What do you guys think Arianna's gonna do? Will she go and find them or does she have another plan in mind? Let's just say, you're in for a shocker! Thanks for reading!!!!(:

Please comment/vote/fan! I love it when you guys support my books! It really means a lot(:

bye for now!


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