Chapter 17

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Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but I've been writing a few other stories (3 actually, called Forgetting My Past, Cliches Uncovered, and Letters to a Nobody) so I was lagging behind. Sorry guys!

Here's a little recap:

-Ari goes on a date with Drew

-She tells him about her significance with the rogue (it killed her mom)

-She's scared and Drew promises to protect her.

Okay guys, enjoy the read! 

Comment, vote, fan<3333

(Pic of Zane! You'll see why I put him here, just read on)------>

Chapter 17

“We seriously need to go shopping!” Mel exclaimed, rummaging through my closet for who knows what, “I mean seriously, look at your clothes? Sweatshirts and sweatpants aren’t your life Arianna,” She swiveled around, holding up one of the few sweatshirts I owned.

I pouted at her, “Aw, come on Mel. I don’t need that many clothes!”

“Are you kidding me?! You barely own enough to fill a linen closet!” she exclaimed, throwing up her hands and promptly crossing them in front of her and scowling at me.

“Mel, stop that. You can’t keep using your glare to manipulate me,” I groaned, covering my eyes with my hand.

“Fine!” I huffed, grabbing a pair of Drew’s keys off the side table. “Let’s go shopping,”

Mel jumped up a foot in the air, before grabbing me and running us down to his car.


“Ugh, I’m never shopping again. I don’t know how girls even like doing this!” I cried in exasperation. For the last 2 hours, we’ve been going from store to store, picking out the flashiest and priciest clothes there were. I honestly didn’t need any of these, I was perfectly fine with my own comfortable clothes.

“Don’t be such a buzz kill, Ari. Come on, let’s go to that shoe store over there!” I rolled my eyes at her about to tell her off when I noticed that she’d already ran into the store. Grudgingly I followed after her.

Walking to the store, I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that someone was watching me. It had been happening all throughout the day. I tried to not let it bother me, but something in my gut was telling me I was being followed.

Stepping into the store, I was still overwhelmed by that strange feeling. I just couldn’t shake it off.

‘Arianna, you need to get back home now. There’s a problem. I’m sending Justin and Elliot to come get you and Melanie, don’t go anywhere. Love you,’ Drew’s voice abruptly cut off my thoughts as he spoke through mindlink. My heart stopped. What was going on? What’s happening?

Mel appeared from behind a rack of shoes, carrying a pair in her hand.

“Hey, there you are! So I was thinking maybe these shoes would look good with-“

“Mel! There’s been an emergency at the pack house! Drew sent two of his guards to come get us. We’ve gotta go!” I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the store, racing towards the entrance of the mall. Just as we arrived, the all too familiar pack guards’ black Escalade pulled up to the entrance.

“Luna, we need to get back to the pack house immediately. Please, come,” Justin, one of the guards, ushered us both into the back of the escalade.

The entire ride, all I could think about was what was happening. Mel was equally worried. Her mate was back at the pack house as well. My thoughts immediately drifted to Drew. Was he okay? Was he hurt? If he was hurt, I would feel it. I couldn’t risk this though. I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself calm.  

Opening them again, I reached over and grabbed Mel’s hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

“It’s gonna be okay, Mel. Don’t worry,” I smiled at her.

The tires screeched as we arrived in front of the pack house. Both Mel and I jumped out, racing inside.

We ran all the way down to Drew’s office. From outside, we could hear voices.

The door flew open abruptly as we entered the room.

“Drew, are you oka-“ I stopped midsentence, looking at Drew’s stricken eyes.

“Drew?” I breathed out

“He’s gone,” he whispered, staring down at the cloth clutched in his hand.

“Who’s gone?” I said, inching closer to him.

“Zane. He’s been that rogue,”


So.....cliffhanger? I know, I know, I'm so mean for leaving it with a cliffhanger, especially since you guys all love Zane, and he's the one that got kidnapped. 

I'll be uploading the next chapter tomorrow! So check in then(:

Bye for now and thanks for reading,


Oh, almost forgot! If you guys like my books, please check out my new ones:

Forgetting My Past-Macey Aggorio is an intern at at law firm, with an annoying jerk of a boss. One incident almost gets both of them killed, but they're rescued by a guardian angel who says they have to travel to their pasts and learn about each other to affect the future and not get killed. Romance novel between two people who suddenly see a different side of the person they hated.

Cliches Uncovered- Ever wonder what the most used cliches are and why? This is a funny book I wrote on the numerous cliches they are and what these cliches say about the author and  even, the reader! Check it out!(:

Letters to a NobodyA shy nerd (Samantha Marcs) finds solice in writing advice letters to her fellow classmates under the name "S." However, her advice ends up breaking up one of the school player's relationship. Now, Carter Woods wants revenge on this so called S, by uncovering her identity, and thus, ruining her. But when he does find out, will he keep it a secret or spill everything? And what about Samantha, when she starts realizing that she might be falling for her number one enemy, and that he may just like her back?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CHECK THESE OUT!  I need some feedback to see if they're good as well. (:


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