Chapter 5

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Okay, another hot pic of Drew! (: ---->

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Chapter 5

Drew’s eyes bore into mine, making me shiver and look down. I finally realized we were against the bathroom wall. The door was closed again, and by the looks of it, seemed locked. Damn, my escape plans just went down the toilet. I laughed inwardly at how ironic that thought was, after all, we were in a bathroom.

“W-what are y-you d-d-doing?” I stammered, mentally cursing myself.

His gaze softened as he looked at me. Before I could comprehend, he had his face buried in my neck, inhaling my scent. I bit back a moan. But all too soon, it ended. He stepped back quickly, and I’m sure the look on my face easily showed that I was hurt. I looked back down, before shuffling towards the door.

His arm grabbed mine, sending small tingles everywhere. I ignored them, focusing on him.

“Look,’ he frustratedly ran a hand through his hair, “ don’t tell anyone we’re mates! I don’t want you. I never did, and I never will,” My heart leapt in my throat. I looked up at him surprised, he didn’t want me. Even if he didn’t say those words, his face wrote it like a book. I was crushed, no-beyond crushed, I was completely broken. Even the thought of my dad beating me senseless sounded less painful than this rejection. I wanted to cry, to scream at him, but I kept my expression blank.

“Now tell me who caused those bruises!” He whispered harshly. I sighed before replying.

“I-I tripped on t-the s-stairs,” I stuttered again, lying to him.

“Don’t lie to me Arianna!” his voice bellowed, but all I could focus on was the way he said my name. Dirty thoughts instantly rushed into my head, making my face heat up.

“M-my d-dad kicked me d-down t-the stairs. T-the p-pack also t-thought it was f-fun to h-hurt me s-so they did,” I whispered, not looking at him in the eyes. I heard a low grumble before I was backed up against the wall again, but not as hard as before. Drew was being gentle with me, which surprised me the most.

“It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you,” he whispered softly, noticing how I shrunk away from him. I gaped at him. He was saying sorry, to me! Flipping me! This had to be unreal.

He chuckled, probably noticing my expression.

“What? Can’t a guy say sorry without looking like you’ve just seen an alien?” he smirked at me. I looked back down shyly. He lifted my chin, making me meet his gaze. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips before looking back up to my eyes once again. He seemed to be contemplating on what do to.

Finally, he sighed, pulling us away from the wall.

“We should probably head back to lunch,” Just as he said so, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. He looked back over at me and gave me a small smile before running out the door. I watched his figure retreat before replaying the whole scene in my head. It was completely unreal.

Taking one last look at the bathroom, I followed his path out the door and towards my next class. Evidently, I was also sharing this class with him.

Not even before I could take a step inside, Mel jumped at me. Startled, I stumbled back only to be caught by an amused looking Jake. I frowned at him before turning my attention to Mel.

“That’s not really a nice way to greet someone ya know,” I mumbled.

“Hehe, sorry Ari,” she smiled sheepishly before continuing, “what took you so long? I was about to come in there and find you!”

“Oh, uh, I was feeling kinda sick so I stayed in the bathroom in case I threw up,” I lied, looking anywhere but her face. Sadly, I’m a terrible liar. But I’ve never been one to care for so it was easy to lie to the few people that cared to notice my limp or my sharp inhales of breath whenever I was in pain. Luckily for me, Mel didn’t push it, which I appreciated greatly.

We walked inside the class, and I saw Drew look up at me. I avoided his eyes and sat down in the back by the window, far from where he was.  He glanced over at me subtly.

That’s how the entire class went, and the next, and the next: Drew staring at me while I paid attention in class. Soon, I was out the door, walking to the packhouse. The sky was greying and I knew it would rain soon. I pulled up my hood up, and listened to the soft sounds coming from the forest. I hadn’t shifted in a while, and my wolf was aching for a release. Before I could decipher what was going on, I was running into the forest, dropping my bag and stripping my clothes before transforming into my white wolf. I trotted over to my favorite place in the forest, the waterbed creek.

It was such a beautiful sight. A slow, transparent crystal watered creek flowed from a small waterfall that emptied into a shallow pond underneath it. The weeping willows hung lazily around the field, sheltering it from the outside. The soft grass was bright green and lively. Purple, pink, orange wildflowers danced with the wind. Cool crisp air as fresh as the crystal water from the creek flowed around, wrapping me in a light cool embrace. It traveled lightly through my fur, soothing my skin.

Unaware of my surroundings, I heard a rustle of leaves. My ears perked, pointing towards the sound. A large black wolf came out into the clearing, its familiar grey-blue eyes staring at me. My heart leapt into my throat.


I never really got to see Drew as a wolf, mostly because I was left out of the pack runs we had occasionally. He was a gorgeous midnight color, with a single white streak along his side, disappearing under his belly.


His voice echoed into my head through mind link. I looked at him with wide eyes. I was naked! How could I shift?! But I can’t defy my alpha! He seemed to notice my hesitation and ran behind a tree, coming out shirtless with only a pair of low slung shorts on. I stared at his gorgeous abs flexing. An eight pack. That was hot. His too low shorts showed the v line towards his-stop! Ari what the hell are you thinking!? I mentally shook my head and looked back at his face.

He was holding his shirt in his hands, and tossed it over to me. I grabbed it in my jaws and ran behind a tree before shifting and putting it on. His warm scent of the woods mixed with the soft sweet of cologne embraced me. I walked out behind the tree shyly, afraid to look at Drew again. He was shirtless and obviously, with my reaction before, I could hardly trust myself with not throwing myself at him like some desperate slut.

I jumped a little when I heard him growl, although it sounded more like a growl of approval. I looked up to see him standing there, eyes filled with lust and love as he raked his eyes over my body. I shivered involuntarily and watched as he inched closer, his eyes hungrily looking at my body that was covered with his shirt. Unfortunately-well for me, I’m not so sure about Drew-it only reached mid-thigh.

He flung us into a tree, my back pressing up against the rough bark. He loomed over me again before snuggling his head into my neck, laying soft kisses all over it. I was captivated by his touch, his skin tingling with fire against mine. But that’s when I remembered who he was, what he’s done. I pushed him back away from me, turning away and crossing my arms.

He growled lowly. I looked up again to see pain, hurt, and anger flash in his eyes.

“I-I’m sorry, it’s just, I-I can’t,” I whispered.

He walked away, leaving me upset and hurt. I followed after him, grabbing my things before walking back towards the house.

My Rejected HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin