You are not Answering his texts (Niall,Harry)

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Niall: You were just hanging out watching TV and your phone was turned off. You had not checked your phone for about 4 hours. You were still sitting on the couch but not watching TV anymore you were just sitting lost in thought. You all of a sudden heard a pounding on the door. And screaming.You ran to the door and threw it open.

  "Is everything ok?" you ask without checking who it was. The person did not answer they just threw there arms around. You looked up into an ever familiar face. It was Niall. 

   "Niall, why are you here and not at the studio"

   "You weren't answering my texts and I got really worried that something happened to you. Or that it was your way of breaking up with me" as Niall was saying this tears started streaming down his face. "I thought you did not want me anymore because you always answer my texts right when you recieve them"

  "Niall, that makes it sound like I wait around the phone waiting to get a text from you. Is that what you think I do?"

"No. But you still have not said that you are not breaking up with me. Are you breaking up with me?"

"Niall I am not breaking up with you. We have almost been together for 4 years and tonight you were going to take me on a special date"

"Yeah. I was just really worried because I was planning on doing something special on our special date."

 "You were going to and now you are not, did I do something?"

  "No, Y/N you have done nothing wrong." Niall got down on one knee and struggled to get something out of his pocket"Y/N I know we have only been dating for 4 years but I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I love your smile, I love your laugh, I love your sense of humor, I love your body, but most of all I love that you are you and you except me for who I am. Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs.Horan?" you were dumbstruck. You love Niall more than anything. The only issue was that you could not make your mouth say the words. You stayed silent trying to swallow the lump in your throat so you say yes.

  Niall's eyes lost hope when you were silent. "It is ok if you want to say no"

Those words broke your heart and you could finally speak. "Yes Niall I will marry you I love you so much. Yes yes yes." Niall's eyes lit up and he stood up and engulfed you in a hug. He kissed you with more love than ever before. 

   "I love you Y/N you will not regret this"

  "Niall I would never regret this"

   "Niall I would never regret this." Niall opened a little box and in it was the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. Niall took your hand and slipped the ring on your finger.

 "Niall it is gorgeous" 

Harry: You were laying in bed  having some time alone while Harry was out. You and Harry had got into a fight and he walked. You got bored so you put on a clubbing dress and went to the nearest club with a bag of extra stuff just incase you need it. You went to the nearest club. Harry had taken the car so you walked. When you reached the club you did not feel like drinking you just felt like dancing. You hopped on the dance floor and danced with anyone who would dance with you. 

It was around 1 in the morning when you left the club. You were no were near drunk so you decided you could walk home. Your clothes were still in your purse. You were still around a mile and a half away from your and Harrys flat when you came upon a group of men. You walked past them and thought you were safe when you felt a strong hand on your wrist wiping you around. 

   "Hello sweetie." one of them slurred there was four of them and the incircled you. The one that had grabbed your wrist started touching you in ways you were not comfortable with. You started to complain when you were shoved to the ground and kicked in the stomach, multiple times. all of a sudden the kicking stopped but you stayed curled up on the ground. Then you heard a voice that always calmed you down but this time it was yelling.

   "What do you think you are doing to my girlfriend" it screamed at the men.

    "Come on man we were just having a little fun you can join if you want" the one that grabbed you slurrred at Harry

   "No what I would like is for you to never to this again to any body or any thing"

   "Ok man you can just fuck off and we will finish with our fun"

   "No you will not finish with your 'fun' " Harry yelled and punched the man in the jaw since he was drunk he slumped to the ground. Harry did the same to the others and then ran to you. You had started coughing blood while he got into the fight. Harry picked you up and craddled you in his arms. That is when you blacked out. 

   You woke up feeling extremely sore and not in yours and Harrys room but in the hospital room. You looked over and Harry was sitting there with his head in his hands. 


  "Y/N your awake. I will get the doctors" he left.

  You found out that you had 3 broken ribs and a punctered lung. Once the Doctor left you looked over  at Harry. 

  "How did you know where to find me"

 "Well you were not answering my texts so I went out looking for you and I found you but not how I wanted to find you. I thought you had died." Harry cried

  "Harry you are not going to lose me I love you. I am sorry we fought"

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