He Thinks You Are Cheating

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Liam: You were sitting in the bath and your phone was in the living room. Liam wasn't home yet he was still at the studio. Your head was under water so you didn't hear Liam come in. You were rinsing out your hair when Liam walked in. You screamed because you still thought Liam was not home. You grabbed a towel and spun around. But slipped and fell on your butt.

    You looked up, there stood Liam. You reached your hand up hoping he would help you stand up but he just stood there.

  "Ok don't give me a hand up" you snapped when you stood up your towel fell off but you didn't care it was Liam. You went to hug him when you realized that he was holding your phone. You snatched out of his hands and saw what conversation it had opened up to. You and your guy friend who was helping to plan a party for Liam. The texts said stuff like he doesn't know does he and I love thanks for the help.

  "Why Y/N, why would you cheat on me. And with him of all people. Do you not love me anymore." you stood there dumbstruck and naked.

  "Liam of course I still love you it's not what you think."

  "Well then what is it Y/N?" he snapped

   "I was planning a party for you." you mumbled 

   "Really?" he asks you nods your head. "Y/N I am so sorry he brought you into your chest your wet skin against his shirt. You could feel him getting turned on now that he wasn't mad anymore.

Louis: Louis had gone to the store to pick up some food and you were sitting alone on the couch waiting for him to get back so you guys could have your movie marathon. The door swung open and there stood an extremely angry Louis. You stood up and walked over to him. 

 "Louis are you okay? And where is the food?"

  "You sound just like Niall maybe thats why you slept with him" you were taken aback. Where did he get this from.

  "Louis why would you think I slept with Niall?"

  "Well look at this. This is clearly not photoshopped." He threw a magazine at you and it landed right at your feet. You looked down and there was a photo of you leaving Niall's house looking like you had just woken up. You knew exactly when the photo had been taken and you started laughing.

 "Why are you laughing?"" he questioned angrily 

   "Louis, remember last week when all of us went to Niall's to hangout and ended up sleeping over but I had to leave early."

  "OOOOH, Sorry"

   "Its's fine just know I wouldnt cheat on you I am not that type of person."

Niall: You open the door just getting back from work and you were so excited to see Niall after a long day at work. You walk in and immeaditley go to hug Niall.  He has been home all day which means waking up 6 and hanging around till you come home at six but today today you got home a little late. Today you had gotten home a little late. You felt like crying but you wanted to hug Niall more. Niall welcomed you into his arms and kissed you.  Your phone started going off in the background so you pulled away to check your phone. Niall held onto your waist as you read the text from your new coworker Steve that Niall didn't know yet. 

 "Y/N come back I need you really bad right  now" in Niall's head the being late home and that text added up to you sleeping with this Steve guy. 

  "Y/N why are you sleeping with this guy."Niall asked as he lightly pushed you off of his lap.

 You whipped your head around in confusion and worry.

  "I thought you were happy with me" he stated tears starting to form in his eyes

  "Niall I am happy with you. Why would you think I was sleeping with Steve."

  "Well you were home late from work and I don't know who Steve is also he said he NEEDED you know. I know other men want you but I never thought you would give in to them."

  "Niall, Steve is my coworker. He started yesterday and still needs lots of help I was training him that is why I was home late."

  "Oh, I am so sorry I thought you cheated, I just don't want to lose you"

 Harry: You were in the shower singing to your self and you were waiting for a very important call from your friend. The bathroom door swung open and there stood a very annoyed Harry holding your phone.

  "Why was a guy named Sam calling you saying he got the ring and you could come over and celebrate."

   "Um well ok um. Do I have to tell you?"

   "No its obvious enough that you are cheating on me so I don't want to know the details."

    "Cheating? Where did you get that?"

     "Well we tell each other everything but you don't want to tell me this, it has to do with a guy and a ring."

   "Harry Sam is my friend he works at a jewelry store and for a random gift I was getting you an engraved ring."

  "Oh. You were getting me a surprise present isn't that the mans job."

  "Don't make me go on a sexism rant" you say as you lean in to kiss him.



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