You are a Gymnast

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Harry: Harry was on tour and had been for the past 3 months. You two had been together for 1 1/2 years. He knew you were a gymnast but had never watched you actually do gymnastics. You had a room in your shared house that you used as your gym, in it was bars and the floor was covered in mats, you had only set this up while Harry was away. You were practicing going from the splits into a handstand, you were faced away from the door and your routine music was playing so you didn't hear the front door open. You had just pushed yourself up off the floor and were lifting your legs above your head when you heard someone clear their throat, this startled you causing you to lose your balance and fall onto your back with a thump.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay baby?" Harry asked not knowing that you had been trying to master this for a while and were used to falling with the ass bruises to prove it.

"Harry I am fine, I almost had it but you interrupted me" you spoke nonchalantly, then it hit you "WAIT HARRY!!!!!!" 

"Yeah babe?" he chuckled 

"You're back" you screamed and tackled him

"Theres the reaction I was expecting from you" He said as he turned your head and pressed his lips to yours, one had in your hair the other running up an down your back slowly moving to grasp your spandex clad ass giving it a light slap making your breath hitch slightly in pain as he hit a bruise. 

"Are you okay?" he asked pulling away from you so he could look in your eyes.

"Yea, just slightly bruised from falling on my butt all the time" you said with a pink tint gracing your cheeks.

"Aww, my love has a bruised ass and it's not from me" you gasped jokingly and swatted his chest trying to pull away from his hold, your plan to get away was foiled when his arms around you tightened and he nuzzled his face in your hair whispering "I missed my love" his soft yet husky voice made your knees weak.

"I missed mine as well" you mumbled into his chest, you slung your arms around his neck having given up on trying to get away.

"Jump" he said as he hooked his hands under your thighs  careful to avoid your sore ass"Lets go test how flexible you are while I show you just haw much I missed you"

Louis: You were at a meet and Louis was watching you from the stands. Your event was the uneven bars which you were very nervous for seeing as this one was a new one for you. Your hands were chalked you jumped to the bar kipping a few times to gain the momentum to up to the bar, once you did you pushed up from straddle into a handstand and started rotating around the bar. Just as you were about to jump from the high bar to the low bar your hands slipped and you fell off the bar onto your head.

Louis was standing and running down onto the floor as you started to fall, medical staff was around you in an instant and so was Louis. He was holding your hand while trying to hold himself together but  it wasn't working, he was freaking out because you were not moving. 

You were knocked out and the medical staff didn't even think twice about if you had to go to the hospital or not. They transferred you from the ground to the gurney. Your eyes started to flutter open as you started to move your coach lightly pushed your shoulders back onto the gurney.

"Y/N you blacked out and are bleeding we need to take you to the hospital to get you checked out" your coach told you as you were loaded into the ambulance, Louis getting in behind you. When you reached to hospital and the doctors checked your eye dilation and x-rayed your head and patched up the cut from the bar  they came to the conclusion that you had a mild to severe concussion and an abrasion but did not need to stay in the hospital, you filled out the release form.

You were taken to the waiting room where you found a very scared and frantic looking Louis.

"Baby, they wouldn't let me back there because I am not family, I was so worried my girl was hurt" he mumbled into your shoulder embracing you tightly.

"I am fine Louis, I just want to go home"

"Okay love, lets get you home and I will take care of you"

Liam: You had just gotten home from the gym and were wearing nothing but your leotard and you gymnastic spandex. As you walked through the door you you dropped your gym bag and looked over and saw Liam sitting on the couch watching football.

"Hi babe" you called, letting him know that you were home. He looked from the tv towards you and was just about to turn back to the tv when he took in what you were wearing.

"Y/N go to our room now" 

"Nah, I think I am good, I am gonna eat something then I might take a shower" You realized just how turned on he already was by your appearance and just wanted to make things even harder for him. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana, you were just taking the first bite when Liam trailed in after you taking in your appearance, you scantily clad in your leotard, breasts slightly hanging out the sides due to the removal of your sports bra and a banana in your mouth. You looked him dead in the eye as you moved your mouth just a little farther down the banana and bit into it. You heard him groan and this just encouraged you, maintaining eye contact the whole time you finished the banana and hopped of the counter.

"I am gonna go shower" you stated already beginning to  slip the straps of your leotard down as you sauntered towards the doorway with a little extra sway in your hips. By the time you had gotten to the doorway your breast were already out. Liam came up behind you and spun you around to face him, your face slightly shocked you put your hands against his black t shirt clad chest to push him away only to realize your mistake and quickly pull your hands away to see two chalky hand prints on Liam's chest. You had been are bars today.

"Oh, Li I am so sorry" you giggled

"Fuck the shirt, lets get us in the shower"

"Us?" you raised an eyebrow at him

"Us" he confirmed 

Niall: You had been on on beam today and made a rookie mistake, you jumped into a straddle too low and couldn't close your legs in time, meaning you came right down on your vagina. That ended practice quickly for you so you went home early. You got home and realized that Niall was at the studio but would be home soon so you waddled over to the freezer and pulled out an ice pack quickly shoving it down your shorts to soothe your bruised crotch.

30 minutes later Niall came home to find you, legs spread and hands in your pants.

"Whatcha doin there babe" he chuckled 

"Oh fuck, nothing" you said quickly trying to close your legs but the pain hit you like a brick. "Oh fuck me" you cried loudly at the sudden pain

"Babe are you okay?" Niall asked, blue eyes suddenly awash with concern 

"No" you whimpered quietly entirely embarrassed

"Love what happened" he said embracing you in a big hug

"I fell on the bar today and kinda bruised the entirety of my vag"

"Oh fuck, honey that sucks" he looked at you 

"It sucks for the both of us" you said, he cocked an eyebrow

"Why is that?" he queried

"Cause this means no sex until the bruising goes down" you giggled slightly

"Oh fuck, your right, that does really fucking suck, you have to get better quick"   

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