You Get Hurt While He is on Tour

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Liam: It wasn't that simple of an injury, it was a compound fracture in your wrist that happened when you were going for a run and tripped. The pain was almost unbearable so you ended up in the emergency room and had had a surgery. After you sat in your hospital bed with painkillers in surging through your blood and a cast on your arm.
Your phone was next to you on the bed and it started ringing, Liam was calling you and in your altered state you picked up the phone without thinking of how you were going to explain it.
"Hi Lili" you giggled into the phone
"Hi babe, how are you?" It was a simple question but it sobered you up a little. You shuffled uncomfortably contemplating on what to tell him. In your curfuffle  you must have bumped something because one of the machines next to you started beeping incessantly.
"Oh fuck" you muttered
"Hey Y/n are you okay? I hear a lot of beeping"
"Yeah, yeah I-" just as you were gonna finish your semi lie a nurse rushed into the room
"Ms.Y/L/N are you okay, are the pain killers having any side effects?" The nurse asked while rushing to the still beeping machine to make sure your vitals were okay
"Yes, I am okay I just bumped the machine, I am so sorry"
"Oh, it's okay love, it's what I am here for" she said as she walked out of the room to grab something
"Y/N what is going on?" Liam asked slightly shouting
"Well, I am in the hospital recovering from surgery" you said slightly rushed
"Liam chill I am okay, I just broke my arm really bad and they had to do surgery to reset it. I get to go home soon"
"How are you getting  home? Why didn't I  find out sooner? Who is going to take care of you?"
"I will probably take a cab, because it was a rush and no one knew to call you, and no one is taking care of me, I will be fine"
"Nope, I am coming home and you cant change my mind"
And that was that, Liam got in the next day and took care of you.

Niall: You had been going out to pick  up some groceries from the supermarket when ran into you with a cart/trolley that had wire hanging lose and it left a big gash down the side of your calve, there was medical staff all around you as they tried to slow the bleeding but some struggling paparazzos had found you and took as many photos as possible . You were given a ride from the store to the nearest urgent care clinic. As you were sitting in the waiting area gauze wrapped tightly around your wound you heard your phone ring, it was Niall

"Y/n, I saw in the papers that you got hurt at the store, are you okay? What happened?" but before you could answer his questions a nurse dressed in blue scrubs walked into the room and without looking up from the clipboard in hand called out your name.

"Y/F/N, the doctor will see you shortly, in the mean time come back with me so I can take your vitals" the nurse took the time to take in your state and went to grab you a wheel chair.

"Niall, I will explain later, but right now I need to go, I love you babe and I miss you so much" and with no time for him to answer you hung up. The nurse took you into the back and cleaned out the cut thoroughly make sure that the risk of infection was drastically lowered, then the doctor came in, gave you some local anesthetic and 12 stitches . You were then wheeled back to the waiting area to find a frantic looking Niall sitting there.

"Niall, what the hell, you are supposed to be on tour, how are you here. Oh, I am so glad that you are here" he quickly moves to your side and embraces you in a tight hug.

"I didn't like not knowing what was going on and I was so worried that I switched flights and came here to make sure that my love was okay"

"Niall you shouldn't have, I would have managed on my own"

"You might have been able to but I couldn't keep going knowing that the love of my life was hurt and needed talking care of wether they want to admit it or not" he said before pressing his lips to yours. "I also really missed you"

Louis: You knew that Louis always worried about you while he was away on tour, and that is what impacted your decision not to tell him that you had been in a car accident that had left you with a few bruised ribs and whiplash. The bruises were not just internal they showed as a dark blue and purple brown mosaic on your skin. 

It was late one night and you and Lou were texting, or more like sexting one thing led to another and you knew what to do, you removed your shirt exposing your black lace bra and took a quick  picture of your torso, you were too in the moment to remember the bruises that tainted your chest, Louis response was quick and not the flow of the conversation

'Holy fuck Y/n what the hell happened? Where the fuck did you get those bruises from?'

'Fuck Louis, you weren't supposed to find out like this'

'Find out about what?'

'A couple days ago I got in a car accident'

It couldn't have been more then two seconds after you hit send that your phone was ringing with Louis face flashing on the screen.

"Y/n why the fuck didn't you tell me that you had gotten in an accident?"

"Lou, I didn't want you to worry"

"Y/n love for fucks sake I am your boyfriend I am going to worry anyways"

"Lou, its not that big of a deal"

"Yes it is Y/n, you are hurt and I am not there to take care of you, fuck it I am on the next flight home, and Y/n.."

"Yea Lou"

"I will worry about you anyways because you are my world, I love you babe, see you soon"

"I love you too Lou"

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